Your eyes tell 2.

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Jungkook placed his chin on his palm, uninterested and whatever the girl in front of him was talking about.

"I literally never saw anything funnier. I mean, there was that one time I- hey. Are you all right?" She asked, Noticing him zoning out.

"Huh? Oh, right I deeply sympathize" Jungkook randomly said, assuming she was talking about the sad event.

"I- you know what? Never mind. You look like somethings on your mind. What's up?" She kindly asked, leaning back.

Jungkook's shrugged, faced still cold, just like it always was. Just like it always will be. "Nothing, look I can't be here I-"

"Those dandelions. You got them from the blind girl?" She asked, as long as it looked up at her, suddenly feeling angry.

"She has a name." He defended, making Jisoo raise her hand and surrender

"Woah, Sorry. I didn't know her na-"

"Of course you don't. I doubt anyone would care. People are heartless. Doing so much stereotypical names. Judging. That's it, I'm leaving." He suddenly lashed out, scaring the poor girl.

He knew he will be irrotational. Lashing out for an insignificant thing. The date was polite, it was just something about that title she gave you which made him boil.

Maybe because he used to stereotypically title himself. Spoiled son. Playboy. Ruined. Worthless. And because he was so used to the stage he believed that's what he was. That's all he was. Grabbing his black leather jacket, he left the area.

The Blind Girl  [J.JK] ffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora