Your eyes tell 4.

111 9 0

On the way you fell asleep on his back, shortly after you gave him your address. He was amused at how you gave your address to a complete stranger.

With you still on his back, he held one of your feet, removing your shoes, doing the same for your other before removing his own shoes.

It was a small apartment, but honey. It was modest. Hell, it felt Homier than his own mansion! Moving you in front, he held your thigh securely while struggling off his jacket, as it fell on the wooden floor.

Placing your frame on the bed, Jungkook eyed you with the same cold glare face, seeing you wake up.

"I'll treat your wounds then leave. Take off your shirt." He suddenly said, as you tilt your head, pursing your lips

Sighing, he closed his eyes. "I'm not a pervert"

he said, making you shake your head.

"It's not that. Your hands felt trustworthy. But something made me feel like you didn't care at the time. So what are you doing now? "You question leaving him surprise once again.

"Are you a palm reader? If you are, I don't believe in that shit. And neither should you" He scolded.

You shook your head "I'm not a palm reader. I'd have to... Oh, uh, look at your palms to be one." You replied, with a smile on your face.

"Why do you keep smiling like that? Don't you ever vent?" He asked, eyes on your lips, realizing your bottom lip was quivering.

"I could ask you the same thing, stranger. I know. I don't. A listening ear can also be a running mouth, huh?" You half joked, chuckling.

"Let me ask you a question now, stranger. Why are you trying to help me" you asked, as he remain silent for a whole minute.

"I'm not. I just pity you." Jungkook replied coldly, lying.

"Oh." Who's all you said, head moving down, shoulders limping.

Pity. Of course it was pity.

"What? You actually thought I liked you sweetheart, do I look easy to you?  Oh wait. You can't see! Isn't that right!?" He called he said, take him back as he noticed a tearful from your pale cheek to the bed. What was wrong with him?

"I made her cry I'm such a fool." Jungkook thought. Fisting his hands, he got off the bed leaving the room.

If he was near you he'd hurt you even more

Wiping a straight here, you force a smile on your face, hearing the door closed. You were such a fool.

You didn't know his name, you didn't know anything about him... Except his hands. And you let him in so easily. What happened to you?

But you realize one thing for sure, leaning against the back of your bed. One thing that scared you.

Sticks and stones may have broken your bones, but this Unknown man you trusted so easily's words... Broke your heart.

The Blind Girl  [J.JK] ffWhere stories live. Discover now