Your eyes tell 5.

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Sitting on a chair in his balcony , Jungkook stared into the sky, studying the twinkling stars.

They look so carefree. I mean, they were stars — but the way they twinkle. As if they were happy. Every night.

Jungkook wondered if he'd ever live like that. Truly happy. His mom kept drifting back to the girl he made cry earlier.

He hurt her the same way everyone around hurt him, before he turned into this cold unbreakable stone from the outside.

By judging her too fast.

All this while he been blaming society, when in the end he realize he was a part of this mess of society.

Jungkook hid his face in his hands, silently crying. Letting his emotions run free. He felt his shoulders shake, taking his ragged breaths

And for the first time in three years... He found an anxiety resurfacing. Just because he heard some girl he fell off the street. Someone he didn't even know.

What was he doing with his life? Why was-

"Man, where the hell were you?! Do you even know what tantrum Jin through when you were late to the party tonig- hey, what's wrong?" Taehyung asked, noticing his dry tears and red nose.

Jungkook closed his eyes, grabbing a cigarette, which Taehyung snatched away from him to his dismay. "No you're not smoking this shit again" Taehyung scold.

"Whatever it is, Jungkook. You aren't solving shit by doing this. I'm guessing you're blind date didn't go well, once again" He assume knowing it was something more to it.

"I hurt her" He shortly said, as Taehyung nodded. "Then apologize." He responded, getting straight to the point without asking questions.

"She was in pain, Tae.  I can see through her smile. Through her eyes." He whispered softly, as Taehyung placed a hand on his best friends shoulder.

"Why don't you talk to her? Be the person you want by your side when you are hurt" Taehyung advised, as jungkook looked down at his lap.

"I know what to do, Tae. Thanks." Jungkook quickly said, turning his heel, running off as Taehyung shook his head with a silly smile on his face.

Looking around, Jungkook tried looking for you the next day, wondering where were you. Why weren't you at the shop?

A coworker saw him looking around and tapped his shoulder "May I help you with something?" She asked.

"Have you seen the girl that works here? Uh... Small frame. Honey like voice?" Jungkook awkwardly described. But the coworkers seem to get it.

"I'm working her shift today she took the day off. Is there a problem?" she asked as jungkook nodded. "May I get her phone number? The flowers she showed me withered"

"What? That's...odd? I can help you with tha-" Jungkook cut her off, shaking his head. "NO! I'll speak to no one but her." He adamantly said.

"Sir, we can't give out numbers without a-" Jungkook cut her off once again, slamming his fist on the counter.

"Do you know who the hell I am?! Give me the damn number!" Jungkook yelled, pulling down his mask, for the first time in his life using the rich dude card.

Oh well. It's come down to this...but he was desperate. "H-her number!! She fearfully quickly wrote your number down on a piece of paper, handing it to him.

Jungkook quickly handed her a few dollar notes as an apology, buying one of the banquets and running out of the store, calling your name.

The Blind Girl  [J.JK] ffWhere stories live. Discover now