First day and auditions

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Taron arrived at his drama school very excited about it all. He marched in and saw a huge stage and a few kids his age. He felt comfortable knowing they were all his age and hopefully nice to him but he was wrong.

He stepped on stage to speak to the other people and they looked at him in confusion and laughter. "So you're new? Well I don't think you will last long they'll probably dismiss you straight away" one of them laughed. The comment made him insecure but then knew he was capable. As the teacher came to see their acting skills they all lined up. Taron saw it was them being told to do emotions and then they would either be given a list of auditions based off their acting or sent home. He was very scared but knew he only had one chance so gave it his all. Unfortunately his all wasn't good enough.

"Taron I see you're talented but you're just not what we're looking for so you can either go or get a agent to help you" the teacher said as he sent him away. The kids were laughing as Taron ran off crying. He couldn't believe his biggest dream was thrown away. He was there crying until a girl came to see if he was ok. "Hey you ok?" She asked. "No. Not at all" Taron cried back. "What's wrong?" She asked. Taron got up and sniffled back. "Well it's been my dream to be an actor and he just rejected me" he shouted. "Hey that happened to me as well. It always usually happens first time round you just have to get an agent or a tutor and you'll be much better" she assured him. "What's your name?" She asked him. "Taron. Taron egerton. And yours?" He asked. "Emily" she replied smiling. "Thanks Emily that really helped" he smiled getting up knowing instead of feeling sorry for himself he should do something about it.

So he did. He got an agent and spent 6 months learning drama and eventually impressed his drama teacher and he convinced him to audition for plays and movie characters. Taron ultimately wanted to do west end plays more than movie characters at the time so he auditioned for a play called "the last of haussemens" where he auditioned for a main character. He got the part and was thrilled and couldn't wait for it to start running.

As the play was running he got an email in his inbox saying "huntsmen and son". He was confused and he opened it. There were two scenes. Unbeknown at the time it was kingsman. He looked at the scenes and felt something in him that he needed that role. He decided to reply to hopefully get the audition part.

Once his first west end play wrapped his audition for the character was a success and he was offered to come and meet the director to properly audition.

He went down there and read his lines and did his scene and finished. He was confused and felt awkward as Matthew didn't say anything. He stood waiting for a few minutes when he said "what was your name again?". "Erm Taron Egerton" he replies straight away. "You were good, you've got the part" he says to Taron. "Oh my god?!" Taron cheers. "We'll see you on set very shortly" he smiles at Taron and his leaves ecstatic.

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