Repair with Madden

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Taron got home and pulled out the number on the napkin. He was curious and decided to message it. He sent "hello?" Before almost instantly getting a message back saying "hi! It's me the waitress from the restaurant! I just noticed you was on your own and read on the news about you being single and you seemed really nice and deserved someone. So you wanna hang out soon?" The message read. He was happy someone liked him and decided to message back with "yes I'd love to hang out" and decided they'd go for a walk.

They met up and she greeted him with a hug. He hugged back and for once felt loved. Properly.
They went on a walk for hours and he felt really happy and he had gotten rid of his deep dark thoughts. He invited her to live with him since his house was huge and all that was there was him and his dog. She accepted and within a few days she moved in.

Life was going well for Taron and his new partner Sophie. They had become and couple and had been together for 3 years and Taron knew she was loyal compared to his last girlfriend. He decided he needed to re build his friendship with Richard madden. So he messaged him "hey I know it's been about 3 years and we haven't spoken. I feel like we should try this again since we was really close". A few minutes later he got a response "hey id love that let's meet at Hyde park" Richard replied. "Babe! I'm off to meet a friend I'll be back soon" he shouted. "Wait! Is this friend a boy?" She asked "Yes dont worry" he shouted back. "Ok good!" She said as he shut the door.

Richard was set on a bench waiting for Taron. He was nervous and he was thinking of things to say when suddenly Taron sat down next to Richard "hey good to see you" Richard said leaning in for a hug. "I've missed this. How you doing? Last time we spoke you was in hospital" Richard asked. "Yeah I'm doing good now. I've got a new girlfriend and we've been together for 3 years and I'm thinking about proposing" Taron said to Richard. "Woah! That's an amazing idea! If you think you want to get married" Richard said back. "I would love to but it's if she wants to" Taron said back. "Hey. Even if she says no you'll at least know you gave it a go and know that's all you could've done" Richard assured him. "Yeah you're right" Taron said. "Thanks that's helped" Taron said to him. "Hey we're friends that's what they do for each other" he smiled back.

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