First movie and personal life

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He arrived on set for kingsman and saw loads of other actors but his eyes were especially attracted when he saw Colin firth. Probably one of the most famous actors ever on set of a film he was in. He was thrilled and was given the script and learnt his lines and had to begin shooting. He shot his first scene with his mum and abusive step dad where he had been arrested. The scene he was most looking forward to was the scene where harry hart (Colin firth) gets him released. He was so overwhelmed and happy to be in such a successful film overall and was proud.

He returned home and decided to put his money together to buy a house with the money he had made from the play and this movie. He decided to leave wales for London. He eventually saved up enough and moved in a rather big house but he was on his own. No one but him and his dog. He knew he needed to start mingling so he did. He started the following night and went out to a pub.

He went and got a drink and got a bit drunk and got up and bumped into a worker. "Oh my god I'm so sorry" Taron said checking if she was alright. "Hang on I recognise you from somewhere" he smirked. "Emily? We went to drama school together" he laughed. "Oh my god Taron?!" She shouted. "I heard you've been in plays and movies I guess your agent did get you somewhere" she laughed. "Yeah he did otherwise I don't know where I would be" he laughed. "Hey we should hang out more" she smiled. "Yeah we should" Taron said as they exchanged numbers and he left to go home.

Taron got home and typed the number into his phone. He knew he had to say something. So he started off with just a "hello" and didn't get a response for at least half an hour with a reply "hi!" He smiled and the two messaged for hours before Taron fell asleep feeling good and happy.

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