Rocketman set and filming with richard madden

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Taron had still not got over the incident that had happened about a month ago. He was sat on his sofa with his house a mess on his phone reading his emails and he got an email from his previous director from Eddie the eagle. Dexter fletcher. Asking if he wanted to play Elton John in a biographical musical called "rocketman" he couldn't believe the deal and straight away agreed. He realised he had to look half decent for his audition so he got up, put foundation on to hide his baggy eyes and did his hair nicely and left.

He arrived at the theatre and got in line with the other actors auditioning and listened to some of them singing and couldn't believe his ears. He eventually went up and remembered. He had sang an Elton John song in his animated movie sing and could do it again. So he did and noticed something in the directors eyes as he left.

He got home and sat and waited to see what would happen about his audition and decided to browse through instagram. He saw he hadn't unfollowed Emily so went to but decided to look through her account to see if she was still with the guy she cheated on him with. He saw she was and was annoyed and heart broken as all the flashbacks came back and he couldn't take his anger and pain and decided to drink again. He knew it was wrong but didn't care at all. As he was drinking he had an email saying he had been picked to play Elton John and was given the cast of the film: Jamie bell would play Bernie taupin and Richard madden would play John Reid and Taron egerton would play Elton John. As soon as he was who was playing John Reid he knew he would be his boyfriend in the film and quickly googled who it was and knew him from the show bodyguard. "Right he's gonna be my boyfriend let's hope he likes me" he said panicking.

A few days later he arrived on set and met Jamie but no Richard. He asked Dexter where he was and he said. "Oh yeah the first scene you two will shoot is the part where he looses his virginity to Richard or John" Tarons ears were in shock. He had to film a sex scene with someone he hasn't even met yet. He was stressed but knew it was for the best.

After filming the tiny dancer scene he met Richard madden and they had a chat before having to film the scene. Richard told Taron he "hates filming sex scenes since you're naked in a room with about 50 people" Taron agreed but decided they had to get it other with. It started with Taron in his normal clothes but Richard had no top on. As soon as they shouted "action" they had to make out and then had to take things to the next level on camera. As soon as it stopped they immediately rushed back into their normal clothes and shook hands laughing. "That wasn't as bad as I thought" Taron said to Richard. "You were a very good kisser" Taron joked to Richard. "Thanks" Richard laughed back as they both left that part of the set.

They continued to film scenes together as a toxic couple before eventually breaking up. Richard disappeared from the film until Taron/ Elton had an overdose and Richard/ John claimed it was only a chest infection and that he would be fine and demanded five more nights on his show despite he was ill and needed help. Richard then shows back while Taron/ Elton is in rehab confronting all his demons including his mum, his dad and Richard while having support from Bernie. Richard disappears from set after that since his parts had ended. Taron tried to say something to him before he left. "Hey I think you're pretty cool wanna see each other after the film wraps" Taron asked. "Sure that'll be cool" Richard replied leaving the set.

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