Richard Madden and the overdose

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Taron decided he needed to get over his ex girlfriend and try and focus on something positive. He saw Richard madden was online on instagram and messaged him saying "Hey we still up for going out somewhere?" He typed waiting for a reply. He got a reply about 2 hours later saying "yeah sure wherever you wanna go" he over thought it and didn't think he was interested and messaged back "no if you don't want to then it's fine" Taron sat and waited. "No I would love to" Richard replied. He felt better and decided to go and meet him at his house. Taron arrived and knocked. About half a minute later Richard opened the door and greeted him and gave him a hug. "Alright let's get out somewhere" Richard joked. They got out and went on walks for hours.

They sat down on a bench. Richard was talking about their scenes in rocketman and they were laughing. "Anyway yeah I think I was better in the film than you and deserved the lead role" Richard said. Taron was quite angry about that and asked "why?" "Well because I have more experience than you in films and have earned more awards" Richard said. "No offence" he added. Taron couldn't believe it and grabbed his jacket and stormed off. "Come on dont be a baby" Richard joked. Taron ignored and carried on walking off.

Taron arrived home and had no one. He didn't have any relationship and had lost someone he thought was actually good and carried on drinking again and went under his bed and got his stash of cocaine out and knew what he needed to do.

He laid it out on a table in a row of three and got his straw and began sniffing it down the table and got to the end of the third row and held his nose in pain and drank some wine to get over the pain and got up to walk off and his chest was hurting and he struggled to breath. He walked to his stairs but fell down them and was struggling to breath at the bottom. He could hear voices in his head "I'm better than you" and "you're not good at anything and no one loves you" before passing out.

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