Chapter One

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((A/N: So sorry for not updating, school and shit. In fact, I should be reading my assigned book now...))

-•-•-Nico's POV-•-•-

Nico was dying. He was wrapped in cold darkness, his breathing slowing, until he gave u-

Real Nico woke up gasping from his latest nightmare, dying in darkness, alone, and with the thought of not being good enough. His greatest fear ever.

He groaned and checked the clock, it was 7:35, and he had to be at school in 25 minutes. Wait. He was supposed to be at school in 25 minutes. He lives around 20 minutes from school. Did he forget to set his alarm again!? He jumped out of bed and quickly changed out of his pajamas and dug around for some nice socks, finally putting them on his feet, then slipping on his black Converse and tying them.

He dearly wished he was a normal kid, with a normal family. If a normal kid forgot to set his alarm, his parents would wake him up. A normal kid would wake up and eat breakfast with their normal family.

Nico wasn't normal, he was abnormal. He didn't have loving parents, he had a dad who fell into a deep depression when his mom died. So deep that he hardly took care of him besides buying him food. No normal siblings either, just Hazel, but that's a long story. Not even a normal friend.

He glanced at the clock. 4:40. Fuck, he must've got lost in his thoughts. He grabbed his backpack then ran out of his bedroom and out of his apartment, not even bothering to cb his hair, brush his teeth, or eat breakfast. He ran down the stairs, out the lobby and onto the New York street.

"TAXI!" He yelled, stopping a cab nearby, and he jumped in. "Goode High School, please." He told the driver breathlessly right before sticking a breath mint in his mouth, since he didn't want morning breath all day.

On the way there, they drove past Bianca Memorial Elementary. His sister went there when she was alive. He could still remember how they used to skip along together in the hallways. When she died, they renamed the school from Manhattan District Elementary to Bianca Memorial, since she was a sweet little girl who touched everyone's heart. They even have a sign that shows where she was hit by a truck, causing her death.

Thinking about her made Nico's heart ache, and he forced her out of her mind. Her death still stung like an open wound.

He checked his watch. 7:54. Traffic was bad. He was going to be late again, it seems.

Nico finally got to Goode High School right at 8, and he ran to his locker as fast he could. He stuck his backpack inside and grabbed everything he needed for the day. The warning bell rang.

He heard people giggling and whispered. People were calling his names and spreading rumors. Some people were even smirking at him. He felt someone tape something on his back, he didn't bother to take it off though.

The bell rang. Nico was late. He walked into class a minute or two later, and he was instantly scolded by Mrs. Castellan. She was an unstable woman in her mid 40's or so, with long dirty-blonde hair usually tied up into a bun. She wore tons of makeup and wore nothing but dressed, and Nico full on hated her (along with everyone else in the school).

"Late again?" She asked in her annoying, frilly voice.

"I slept in, and I got lost in the traffic of the hall," he stated, annoyed.

"That's the seventh time! I have to give you-"

"Let me guess, two hour detention after school?" Nico interrupted.

Mrs. Castellan was shocked for a moment, before nodding and gave him a detention pass.

Nico sighed angrily, hearing giggles from behind him. He hung his head and sat down, ignoring all the laughs.

He remembered that someone taped something to his back, and he ripped it off, seeing that it said "Faggot" then "I ❤️ Boys" bellow it.

He sunk in his chair, wishing he could disappear. This could not be happening. He blinked back tears as he got a familiar feeling in his chest: anxiety and saddened welled into one.

He hated school. No. He hated life. It never treated him fairly. Someone threw a paper ball at him, he uncrumbled it and saw it said: "Kill yourself, emo fag."

At this point in his life, that didn't seem so bad.

((A/N: Yeah, this was rushed, but I have a bunch of ideas coming up, I just couldn't fit them inside here

Would you guys rather see:
A. Both Hazel's family and Will in the next chapter
Or B. Only Will in the next chapter

It's up to you, but I would prefer A, it would make it difficult to write, though.))

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