Chapter Two

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A/N: Ya know what? I'm gonna make this chapter fucking depressing and loooooonnnnggg

Because I love you guys.

Plus, that's how a fanfiction gets views! Have you read Almost?? I cried...FIVE TIMES

Great fic btw 10/10

Let's just get this chapter started.

-•-•-Nico's POV-•-•-

The rest of the day was the usual. Stress. Bullies. Isolation. Just the same-o. He did get to talk to Jason, an old time friend, though. They got to catch up on life a little before they separated. Apparently he got a girlfriend named Piper, good for him.

Nico peeked up when he realized he was going to History next. Most people hated history, but Nico was a star student in that class, it was the only class he got an A in. The school even let him take the Sophomore class with the Sophomores! Plus, he loved the teacher.

Mrs. Levesque ((A/N: Right here, Wattpad deleted the rest of the chapter I had written. Fuck.))

Mrs. Levesque was typing on her computer, but when Nico walked up to her desk, she stopped and turned to look at him. "Hello, Nico, Hazel says hello."

Nico smiled at the thought of Hazel. When he ran away when he was 12, he stayed at the Leveque's house for almost two years, and Hazel and him were close. Still close, in fact. "Tell her I said hi, and that I miss her," he voiced, memories flashing through his head.

"I will," Mrs. Levesque stated as she went back to typing, and Nico went back to his seat in the dark corner of the classroom, away from anyone, since she knew how people made him uncomfortable.

He sat down and started to toy with one of those big erasers that said "For Big Mistakes" (that he should rub all over his face...). He sat there as he remembered the very first time he encountered the Levesque's, when he ran away.

Nico was hungry and tired, and his clothes were soaked and covered in mud. It was practically pouring, but he was already in the suburbs, he was too far to turn back now.

His stomach growled and he whimpered, he hadn't eaten in...three days. He hoped someone would take him in before he died. Even if he died, dying would be better than going back to his neglectful father and all those memories.

He saw a porch of a house up ahead, and he wobbled to it as fast as he could, and curled up in the porch, getting out of the rain. He shivered, and began to cry, scared.

I want Bianca... He thought to himself.

Suddenly, a woman stepped out into the porch. She looked at Nico, eyes narrowing. "What is that?" She asked right before turning on the porch left. When she realized it was a boy, her eyes widened and she went by his side.

"Are you okay?" She questioned, Nico responded with a shake of his head. "Did you run away?" Nico nodded. "Have you eaten lately?" Nico shook his head. "Do you want to stay with us?" Nico furiously nodded, as Mrs. Levesque picked up with ease, since we was small for his age. "Honey, we have a guest!" She yelled as she brought him into the warm house.

"Skull Kid! Pay attention to me!" A voice yelled.

Nico jumped out of his thoughts, dropping the eraser as he turned to face whoever said that. He saw a tan boy, probably 15 or 16 with curly blonde hair. He had freckles splashed across his face, and pale blue eyes.

"Finally, you acknowledge my presence. I've been asking if anyone sits next to you," he asked.

Someone wants to sit Nico di Angelo...he's a new kid. He thought to himself. "New kid?" He questioned.

The boy blinked. "Yeah, but how did you know?"

"Anyone who goes to this school knows that no one wants to sit next to me."

He sighed. "Well, I am, so I guess I'm the first." The boy sat down next to him, and smiled.

The bell rang and class started. "Alright class, we have a new student today," she looked to the boy, "his name his Will Solace and he's sitting in the back right now."

No one looked.

"Well...anyway, we have a pop quiz today," the class groaned and Nico looked up in fear. "I know you hate it's for your education."

She started to pass it out, and Nico panicked. Pop quizzes were the thing that brought Nico the most panic attacks. His chest already to began right and his hands started to shake. When he got the test, it just happened to be on the Chinese empire, the worst part of history.

When Nico wrote his name, it was extremely sloppy, he couldn't do the whole test since his hands were shaking so bad. Not to mention it was getting hard to breathe. He shakily raised his hand.

"Yes, Nico?" Mrs. Levesque asked, waking up next to his desk.

"C-can I b-be ex-excused?" He tripped over his own words.

She furrowed her eyebrows. She raised Nico for a while, she knew about his panic attacks. "Yes, just...sit out in the hallway ends..." She whispered, making sure only he heard it.

Nico nodded and quickly stood up, he got a worried glance from the boy, Will, next to him before running out just in time.


He ran out into the hallway just in time, right as he close the door he began to breathe heavily and his eyes began to tear up. It felt like he couldn't breathe.

He sat down against the wall, desperately trying to calm himself. He rested his head against the locker as he wheezed for air and tears began to roll down his face.

He couldn't breathe. He couldn't breathe. He needed to calm himself down, but how?

He pictured Bianca sitting next to him, her arms wrapped around his skinny frame.

"It's okay, Nico, just breathe," He imagined her saying.

It helped calm him down, but the tears kept coming. "Bianca...I m-miss you," he said to the empty hall. He quickly wiped his arms and walked back inside the classroom, ignoring the stares and whispers from the kids. He sat back down and did his best to keep his hands from shaking as he did the test.

When he was in the middle of the test, a note was passed to him. He looked to Will, and noticed he looked very worried. He read the note: Are you okay? Nico quickly scribbled down Yes

He handed the note back to Will, who gave it back a minute later, now it said: Are you lying? Nico quickly scribbled down: Yes.

He handed the note back to Will.


A/N: Okay, it wasn't that depressing

I was going to add more, but it would've made the chapter waaaayyyy too long.


It might get bloody...but don't worry, Will's gonna be there for Nico.

Because otp

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