5: di Angelo Dinner Party

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A/N: Howdy!

Sorry for the late update, I had a lot of stress and had some panic
attacks ranging from minor to moderate.

Plus, I couldn't think of ideas!

Anyway, this chapter is going to be mostly fluff.

To make up for the last one.

There will be mentions of self-harm, but it will only be in the beginning of the chapter.

Onward to glory!

*** (I will put this before any thing triggering, and at the end of the triggering scene, I will put it again)

-•-•-Will's POV-•-•-

To say that Will was shocked, was an understatement. He got up and pulled the blankets off of Nico, who whimpered and tried to hide his arm.

"Nico, you need to stop!" He exclaimed, snatching the blade away.

"H-hey! That's...that's my b-best friend," Nico murmured back.

He blinked, surprised by this. "Well your 'best friend' is hurting you!" He exclaimed before walking over to a window and throwing out the blade.

Nico made a sound that sounded like he was dying. And Will turned to him. "I need bandages," Will mumbled to himself, and Nico shakily pointed to the cabinet beneath one of those things with a mirror. Makeup desk? He didn't have time to ponder it's name, he just opened the door, grabbing the bandages and closing it. He walked back to Nico and sat down next to him.

"Let me see it," Will cooed, and Nico turned his head away, he noticed a splash of pink on his cheeks, but he ignored it when he saw his arm. It was a lot more bloody than he thought. "Looks like I'm going to need a wet tag too..."

Nico looked up in shock. "N-no! My dad will get suspicious if he saw you!" He exclaimed. "I-if he found about about this...h-he'll send me to reform school again!"

Will winced. The local reform school was for suicidal kids, kids with extreme anxiety, kids with bad temper, kids who did drugs, and kids who beat everyone up. He been there once when his dad was checking out a kid there. It was like a prison. "Okay, I'll bandage it how it is."

Silence was laced through the air as Will slowly wrapped Nico's arm. No one spoke, they were only breathing. Finally, it was fully bandaged and Nico sighed. "If you mention this again unless I bring it up I'll rip off your dick, cut up, and make soup out of it."

Will jumped. "Okay, but, just know that th-"

"This is never the answer! I get the gist."

Will looked down, not bothering to talk. Nico got up and dug around in his bedside table and pulled out a pair of gloves, he put one on and it mostly covered the bandages. He slipped the other on.

Luckily, he did it just in time, because Mr. di Angelo stepped in right after. "Dinner's ready."


Will walked out of Nico's room, Nico following suit. They all sat down at a small table and there was pasta on the the wooden surface. Yum. His father seemed suspicious of him, but he didn't blame him, your son meets a random boy and then all of sudden wants to go to his house? Seems weird.

But they all sat down, and Will began to dig it, along with Nico.

"This is really good, Mr. di Angelo!" Will said before taking another huge bite.

"Thank you, it's my...wife's recipe." He responded. Will noticed how he said wife with sadness, but decided it to ask.

Nico cleared his throat. "So, you guys wanna talk?"

Will nodded. "Uh, yeah," he blurted out. "So, what do you do for a living?"

"I'm a businessman, but I work at home."

"Nice..." Will said awkwardly.

"So, what do your parents do for a living?"

"My dad's a doctor and my mom's a pharmacist clerk."

"Good, good. So, why did you become friends with my son?"

Will blushed. "Uh, I was new at the school so I needed friends. I had already befriended this one girl, Lou Ellen, and a dude named Cecil. They were all wallflowers, so I wanted to let them have a friend for once," he explained. "Your son was the same, always clinging into the shadows, I thought he needed a friend."

Nico's father nodded, and that was that.


(A/N: time skip to when Will gets home)

Will threw himself on his bed, not bothering to take his sandals off, because he was deep in thought the whole taxi ride home.

Did he really become friends with Nico because he was lonely? Or was it something more? Why did he care so much? Lou Ellen had a sibling problem and she told him but he didn't offer her to stay?

He rolled over, fisting his blonde hair as he entangled himself in his thoughts, trying to figure out what was happening.

He had one explanation, but he wasn't sure.

Will Solace was probably gay, and he was gay for Nico.


A/N: okay, this was gonna be way longer with flashbacks from Will, but I was afraid it would make the chapter waaaaayyyy too long.


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