8: My Knight

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A/N: Whaaaattttt???? Angelo posted an update???

I know, it's been a long time, but school has made it difficult to write my stories.

Basically, IM BACK BABY

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this extremely late update!

-•-•-Will's POV-•-•-

Will was walking home from school, stressed øut (TØP is the best mkay?). His reading teacher, Miss Athene, gave him so much homework. Looks like he was going to stay up till 2 AM again. Not wanting to face many people, he decided to take shortcuts through alleys.

In one alley, he smelled cigarette smoke and held the urge to cough. The weird part was that...he didn't see anyone in the alley. Just trash cans, stray cats, and a weird lump on the ground. Wait. That lump was a person.

"Who are you? And? Are you okay?" He called out, wanting to make sure the person was safe and sound.

The kid whimpered and murmured something like "Will?" They turned and Will gasped, it was Nico, bruised black and blue.

Will gasped and ran towards him, kneeling down, pushing his hair out of his face. "Neeks? What happened?"

"Bullies..." He mumbled.

"Okay...give me your phone...you're coming to my house." Will stated, picking the small boy up.

Nico sighed and handed him his phone, wondering why he needed it.

Will unlocked his phone and sighed. "What's your lockscreen pattern?"

"Make an 'N'..."

He nodded and made an N, opening up his phone. He texted his dad this: "Hey, it's Will, Nico's friend. Nico got hurt bad...I'm taking him to my place to rest, since it's close by."

Will locked Nico's phone and gave it back. He then walked to his apartment building, holding Nico in his arms.

-•-•-Nico's POV-•-•-

While being carried down the street, covered in bruises and blood, Nico said some...interesting things.

"You're my handsome knight..." Was one of them.

Will smiled at the bubbly comment. "Hey, I guess I am."

Nico smiled slightly. "My brave knight...rescuing me from the darkness."

"I'll always save you, my liege."

-time skip to when they arrive at Will's house-

Will's parents looked really surprised at the sight of their son carrying a bloody emo boy in the house. Then again, that's not something you see everyday.

"WILL!" His mom yelled, dropping the dishes on the ground (luckily they were plastic, so they didn't break).

"Mom, this is my friend, he got beat up and I decided to take him here to take care of him." Will explained.

His dad's eyes widened. "I'm a doctor, let me see him."

Nico whined, not wanting to leave his knight's embrace. Will handed him over anyway, and his dad took him to his room, where he took off his jacket and examined the bruises (he squirmed a lot during this, trying to cover his scars).

"He'll be fine, but he needs to rest." Mr. Solace decided, looking at his worried son.

"Oh thank god..." Will said, sighing witj relief. "Can i talk to him? Alone?"

His father nodded and left the room. Will sat down next to the frail boy, looking at his black and blue skin.

"Hey...you okay?"

"I am...thanks for saving me." Nico said, looking up into Will's stunning eyes, he loved them. They were like a summer sky in the country, without the pollution of the city. They even had a sparkle.

Nico edged closer and closer to Will, gazing into his eyes. He noticed Will's face turning red, but he still stayed inches away from his face.

He never noticed just how handsome he was. Cute little freckles along tan skin, a little button nose, and perfect pink lips. He wanted to examine him more, but Will pulled him away.

"Personal space..." He mumbled.

Nico frowned. He remembered Will probably wasn't gay and probably didn't want any of his homo-ness.

His knight would never truly be his.


A/N: so? How was the long-awaited update?

I was going to make them kiss but, it's way too early for that!

Anyway, I hope you stick with the story. It's hard to update this now that the series ended.

I heard of the new book about Apollo though, and had to revisit this!

I'm most likely going to finish this!

In the meanwhile, check out my other works, will ya?

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