6: Gay Texting Conversations

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A/N: I suck at titles

FYI, this will be written in half Will's and half Nico's, and in both chapters, THEY WILL SAY THAT THEY-


-•-•-Will's POV-•-•-

Will began to toss and turn all around. Worried. His parents were devoted Christians. Not the good kind, but the bad kind. The 'God Hates word-that-shall-not-be-said' kind.

It was obvious all of his life that Will Solace was different, and his parents desperately tried to stop it

-le flashback ripple-

The four-year-old version of Will stumbled out of the master bathroom, face covered in lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, and mascara. He even put on his mother's valuable sapphire necklace.

His mother walked in, she was very young, only in her 20's. "There you a- oh my heavens!" She exclaimed, putting a hand over her mouth.

"Mommy! I'm a princess!" Will shouted, pretending to curtsy.

"No no no no no!" She said. "You can't be a princess! Take that stuff off now!"

"But...mom, I want to be as pretty as you when I grow up!"

"You can't, you are a boy. Boys can't wear makeup."


"NO BUTS!" His mother yelled, frustrated. "Just take off the makeup, dear, and let's get you some action figures."

-Next flashback-

Now Will was nine, and he matured...well, not at all. He still had his childish glow in his eyes, and he was full of joy. All his teachers loved him, and he got along with the girls better than boys, which made people suspicious.

"Hey Will, my mom gave me a Barbie Doll that I didn't want," a girl named Piper in his class began, "do you want it!"

Will beamed. "Of course!"

The girl handed him the doll, and he squealed with delight. But the teacher had to overhear...

That night, she came over to Will's house, and the young boy overheard the conversation between her and his father.

"Sir, I think your son may be...gay."

His father winced. "No! He can't, he seems so nor-"

"He often is seen playing with barbies and Littlest Pet Shop figures (A/N: those were life back in the day lmao) with the girls."

His dad was silent for a while. "Is there anything I can do?"

"There is a thing called Conversion Therapy (A/N: WORST INVENTION EVER) that could help your son become normal-" Will didn't hear the rest as he ran to his room, confused and shocked.

-Le end of flashbacks-

Will pondered these past events. He was never sent to conversion therapy, THANK GOD, but what if his parents were thinking about it?

What if his parents would hate him if they found out?

-•-•-Nico's POV-•-•-

Nico quickly shimmied into his pajamas and curled up in his blankets. He finished all of his homework, though the clock read 11:34, he was exhausted, but as usual, his mind was too hyperactive to just sleep.

He had a rough dad, detention, a whole bunch of fights with his dad, Will finding about one of his major issues, just, ugh.


His dad seemed to getting worse. After two major family deaths, he became different. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, and it sometimes got bad, and lately it's been worse. But today...he'd never expected this bad if a comment to be brought up.

Nico groaned in frustration, his father was going off at him because he was begging to go to Will's house. "Dad, just let me go! You tell me to make more fucking fr-"

"DON'T YOU DARE USE THAT LANGUAGE WITH ME." His father yelled back at him.

"I don't care! You hardly take care of me and you expect me to respect you and follow your orders! I'M NOT A LITTLE BOY ANYMORE!"

"YOU HATE ME, DON'T YOU? You've always had and always will, that's why you want to leave! JUST ADMIT IT!"


His father groaned, and out of frustration, he yelled: "I WISH YOUR SISTER SURVIVED AND YOU WERE THE ONE TO DIE! SHE WOULDN'T BE SUCH A DISAPPOINTMENT!"

"DON'T YOU THINK I WISH THE SAME?" Nico yelled, holding back tears and running to his room, slamming the door shut behind him.


Nico began to tear up thinking about it, and he longed for the blade Will threw out. He was about to dig around for another one when his phone buzzed. He looked over and saw Will's name on the screen.

"Can't sleep, what about you?"

"Me neither, so, what now?"

"Uh, we could just talk, we don't know each other well."

The two soon entered a conversation.

Nico: Sure!
Will: How bout we ask each other questions?
Nico: Okay...but within reason
Will: How old are you?
Nico: 14.
Nico: How old are you?
Will: 15 years young!
Will: Hmm...favorite food?
Nico: Pomegranates.
Will: Pome-what?
Nico: It's a food anyway, favorite color?
Will: Orange, yours?
Nico: BLACK.

The two boys began to chat, asking silly childish questions, but then Will asked something that made Nico stop: "Where's your mom?"

"I'm not comfortable answering this."



"I won't stop asking!"



"She's dead."

There was a long pause before Will finally responded with just some ellipses.

"If you excuse me, I'm going to actually try to get sleep." Nico sent, angry.

Eventually, his phone buzzed, and he looked over to see that Will responded with:

"I'm so sorry, Neeks. I didn't mean to pry. I should've respected you. It's gonna be okay, bud. If you need to talk, my Instagram is @sunshineblondie."

Of course Nico looked up his Instagram (he had an extremely inactive account named @ftw.2k15). He was met with a whole bunch of Starbucks cups, selfies, photos of friends, and band members. But the one that stood out was the latest one.

Apparently Will must've taken a photo of him sometime at school, because it was a photo of him. He was looking away from the camera, but you could make out his face, and his eyeliner (WHAT? Fuck gender roles >:( ). The caption made his heart flutter.

"This adorable lost puppy is my new friend, I hope to bond with him more ;)"


A/N: Awww

Okay I might've been inspired by Almost a wee bit.

But Nico's dad is based off my friend's dad, and my friend's dad should have a knife shoved up his ass mkay.

So, feedback??

QOTC (question of the chapter): When do you think Will and Nico will, ya know, KISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

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