3: Fights and Texting

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A/N: okay, using chapter titles now!

What? just now decided to do so.

This is probably the fastest I've ever updated a fanfic

-•-•-Nico's POV-•-•-

Ah yes, the end of the day. The time when all the cliques got together.

Most schools just released all the kids at once, but Goode High School didn't. Right after end of the day announcements, bus riders and walkers would leaves. Car riders and those staying after school left 20 minutes later.

And those 20 minutes were the best. All the clique got together besides lunch, and people from all grades could be together. Nico liked it because he could talk to Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Jason, Juniors. And Leo, Piper, and Calypso, Sophomores. They were the closet thing he had to friends.

During this awkward 20 minutes, everyone hung out in the hallway, Nico was looking for Jason when a sudden hand was put on his shoulder.

Nico jumped and turned around, on high alert. He expected a bully, but instead he was met with a surprised blonde.

"What the fuck, man," he stated.

"Uh...sorry...Will?" He responded, unsure of this boy's name.

His face lit up, "You remember me! Now, Nico is it?"

Nico nodded.

"That's a nice name! Now, can I have your number?"

He blinked. "You want...my number?"

Will raised an eyebrow, "How come whenever someone does something nice in front of you, you act like no one has ever done something in the sorts ever?"

"Because I'm the most hated boy in school. If you want to fit in at this school, you stay away from me."

Will was shocked, "No! You deserve friends, I saw you in history, you just need someone to care for you, now, your number, in my phone, now."

Nico blushed and fumbled in his bag for his phone. He finally fished it out, and when he did, he saw Will holding an iPhone 6. "Trade?" He asked.

They swapped phones and gave each other their numbers, then gave them back.

"I'll text you after band practice!" He exclaimed before waving and running away.

Time skip to after detention

Nico walked out of detention, thankful it was over. Him and the over kids stepped out of the crowded classroom and into the hallway. He suddenly realized that he forgot to text his dad that he had detention, he would be super worried. He cursed himself and got out his phone, reading the messages from his father:

"You're late, was traffic bad?"

"Nico, where are you?"

"Are visiting Jason or Hazel? If you are, just tell me..."

"Nico, I'm really worried, just text back."

"If you're ignoring me again, just tell me! I'm worried sick!"

Nico sighed, his dad was either neglectful or overprotective. He quickly sent "Sorry. I got detention again and I forgot to text you."

He put his phone up and stepped outside. He hailed a taxi and told the driver his address, and off they went.

Time skip to when got home

Nico set down his backpack, and got his phone out. "Dad, I'm home." He yelled, and to his surprise, he actually came out of his office/bedroom.

"How dare you worry me so much!" He demanded, crossing his arms. He looked a little like Nico, but he had dark brown hair instead of black, and a trimmed beard.

"I told you, I just forgot to text," Nico said, emotionlessly.

"You need to remember to text! And all these detention sentences go on your permanent record! You need to fix you-"

"DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO FIX MYSELF UP WHEN YOU HARDLY TAKE CARE OF ME SINCE MOM DIED!" Nico yelled, cutting his father off. "It's not my fault that you never wake me up when I forget to set my alarm! You worry about me, BUT THEN YOU DON'T TAKE CARE OF ME!"

His father was shocked. Nico scowled at his father and stormed to his room, a death grip on his phone. He slammed the door behind him, not wanting to hear his father's bullshit response. He threw his phone in anger, watching as it hit the wall then fell to the ground. He gasped and ran to it, eyes widening when he saw it was cracked slightly along the bottom.

He sighed and set it on the bedside table, plopping off his shoes then laying down. He groaned, closing his eye, only to be disturbed by his text tone. He looked at his phone, and was surprised at who texted him: "Will :)))" was on the screen.

"Hey death breath, how ya doing? <3"

Nico rolled his eyes and responded with: "Not so good, broke my screen."

They soon started a conversation.

Will :))): Oh no! How?
Nico: Uh, long story.
Will :))): I've got time.
Nico: No.
Will :))): Come oooonnnn, pleaaaaseee?
Nico: Fine, so I forgot to text my dad that I had dentition so he was all worked up. At first he was mad at me for worrying him, but then he was telling me to fix myself up, so I got mad.
Will :))): How come you got mad over that?
Nico: because he needs to fix himself up. HE'S HARDLY TAKEN CARE OF ME SINCE, well, something bad.
Will :))): What?
Nico: It's a touchy subject.
Will :))): Okay, I won't push, but I have an idea.
Nico: What?
Will :))): You're coming over, I'm getting you away from your deadbeat dad.


A/N: Helllooooo, wattpad was stupid while I was writing this, so yeah.


I want to know if it'll be okay if...


I were to put triggering topics, such as self-harm, abuse, and alcoholic parents.

Please answer this! I want your voice to be heard!

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