Route 666 - Part 1.

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Author's Note.

Heyyy. How you peeps doing?

I know, I know, these chapters took a lot of time, but I had a good reason. I was literally swamped with college stuff that started not too long ago. Not to mention the tests -  Ugh!

Oh, by the way, from now on phone calls from the other end would be in Italics.

Anyways, I hope you all are taking care of yourselves.

Your Author.



That's only how you could describe how you felt around Dean after the last case.

Were you glad he was alive? Yes.

But were you glad he was purposely wearing only a towel after his showers and hovering around you, almost touching, and leaving you flustered? No.

Were you glad he was still breathing and not in a coffin six feet under? Hell yes.

But were you glad he was openly staring at you and complimenting you shamelessly? Hell no.

Were you glad you weren't grieving his annoying ass right about now? Fuck yes.

But were you glad that he was flirting so much with you that you couldn't stop blushing, or feeling those damn butterflies in your stomach? Fuck no.

See, the advantages just weren't worth having all those disadvantages and you were seriously considering killing him yourself.

Sure, it was practically a dream come true. All his attention on you. He'd calm you after your breakdowns. He'd give you kisses on your forehead or your cheeks. He'd cuddle with you without any reason.

But was it really nice when you knew that he didn't have feelings for you, and this was just becoming your most personal form of torture? Hell to the fucking no!

He gave you the attention, but you couldn't afford to give it back because then you'd let slip how you felt about him and end up with your heart broken. He would calm you down, but you couldn't tell him how much it meant to you. He would kiss you on your face and get so close, which tormented you because you just couldn't kiss his lips. He would cuddle with you, and you just could not let him know how much you liked it without coming off as a creep.

So, yes, it was nice. But no, it was not worth hurting your feelings, again.

Ever since the last case, you had promised yourself that you would not let your feelings get hurt again, no matter what. Which including making sure the brothers were safe, pushing Dean away and start the process of moving on from him, start the moving on thing in general, and focus on hunting in a way that was opposite of reckless.

They first thing you had already done. You mixed the remainder of the herbs you had, in the boys' morning coffees. Since it was tasteless, colourless and odourless, the boys didn't even realize what they were drinking. Obviously, you promised yourself that you wouldn't use it unless the very last minute.

The moving on process and not hunting carefully were two things you really didn't have to do alone. Dean had taken it upon himself to help you with that. He would make extra sure that you weren't upset or mad before any hunt, so that you weren't even reckless. And he would still take you out on those walks almost every night, it depended on your mood really.

But it was getting just so damn hard to move on from him when he insisted on staying so close to you. It was so hard when he was so sweet. It was so damn hard when each day he would unknowingly give you reasons to fall more in love with him. He would do things that would make it impossible for you to not love him in a romantic way.

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