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*two months later*
*Mason's POV*

Well,it's been two months since Colton was born and things are great. We are both used to having him around. Michelle even has a job , I have one today. Today I'm home watching the baby while she's working.
*phone vibrates*
Michelle:Bae,I'm on my way home from work😌I got off early today✊maybe we can take Colton to the beach😁🌞it would be fun😘
Mason:Yea,that would be great,we'll get ready😎😘
Michelle:Okay,love you guys💘😘
Mason:Love you too💝🔐

*ten minutes later*

Michelle walks through the door. "We're ready!" I say kissing her. "I'm gonna hurry and put my bathing suite on." She says walking up the stairs. Twenty minutes later she comes down. "Ready. What car are we taking?" She's asks locking the door behind us. "I guess we can take the Dodge Charger." I say putting Colton in his car seat.

*five minutes later we are at the beach*

As we are walking on the beach an Michelle is busy after Colton because he is crying I see Drake walking in our direction. I grab Michelle's arm. "Let's go the other way." She is still looking down. "Why Bae?" I turn. "Let's just go!" Now,she looks up. She looks shocked. I hurry and take Colton out her arms. "Drake?!" She falls down and cries. He stops when he's in front of her. "Why are you crying?" He says laughing. Michelle stands up. "Because you're here asshole! And why are you trying to talk to me?!" He looks at me and Colton. "I just wanted to say hi to your little "family" and to you." She backs up and stands in front me. "You won't touch my kid!" Drake's eyes get wide. "Kid? I didn't think he was for you." She turns and grabs Colton out my arms. "Well he is! Now let's go." She says grabbing my arm. "You guys don't have to leave because I'm here. I was just leaving." Michelle smiles. "Bye! I don't plan on seeing you again." She says looking deep in his eyes. He then leaves and we go to having our fun family time.

Drake's POV
*texting Dustin*
Dustin:What ?😕
Drake:Guess who I just saw😓
Dustin:Who dude ?😁
Drake:Michelle and mason !😅 They have a kid!😭
Drake:No ! I'm serious. I'll send you a picture !
Drake:*picture message*
Dustin:OMG😱they're actually kind of a cute family😐
Drake:How could you say that ?! You know I still love her !😞
Dustin:Oh yea,and I don't ?! I never stopped loving her since the day I saw her ! But apparently she's happy and that's everything I wanted for her😊
Drake:You're not gonna help me break them up ?!👿
Dustin:You go near them again and I will cut you !☺️😎🔪

*Michelle's POV*
*two hours later*

"Come on baby boy. Let's go take a bath!" I say picking Colton up and going to his room to grab his clothes. When I put him in the bath full of water he cries. He's scared of it for some reason. So I hurry and take him a bath so Mason can get him out. "I'm gonna go in our room and lay in the bed and watch his cartoons with him and try to put him to sleep." He says dressing Colton. I lean over and kiss him. "You're the best daddy,and boyfriend ever!" He smiles down at me when he stands up. "Thanks. I'm not too sure about that. But I'm 110% positive that you're the best mom ever! Not just for Colton but for all the moms!" My eyes start to tear up but I still smile. "I love you Mason James Beniot! I'll be out in like fifteen minutes Bae."

*twenty minutes later*
I walk in the room and both Mason and Colton are sleeping. I grab Colton carefully so I don't wake him. Then,I carry him to his room and put him in his crib. After I go back to me and Mason's room and lie next to him until I fall asleep ...

*the next morning*
*Mason's point of view*
I get called to work. Michelle is still sleeping so I do what I need to do as quiet as possible so I don't wake her. When I get to work I text her

Mason:Baby,I know you're still sleeping but😴 ... I just want to say you've been an amazing girlfriend these past three years😌and I wouldn't trade you or Colton for anything in the whole world. 🙅You're the best mom ever ! 👪When I met you,it was love at first sight. 😍To see you with the guys before me just killed me. 😫When you were finally mine I couldn't believe I managed to get a girl like you. 😊I can't even believe I've kept you by my side for this long☺️But I'm glad you're still mine😌and I plan to keep you forever🔐I'm not letting you or Colton walk out of my life🙌and I'm never walking out of ya'll lives👐I love you Michelle Marie Theriot! And I love Colton James Beniot just as much💝I'm never letting you go✌️and I hope you have an amazing day while I'm at work baby girl😎give Colton a kiss for me when he wakes up💋I'll be home around six😅and don't cook anything for dinner😂I'm cooking tonight weather you believe it or not👌
*fifteen minutes later*
Michelle:OMG!😰😳I can't believe you actually wrote this😭and I love you too Mason James Beniot !😘And I'm never leaving😴and I'm never letting you go👐yea I do shit to piss you off😩but we make up😋and that's what you call a real couple baby !👫See you when you get home😎and thanks for giving me the day off and cooking☺️
Mason:Only the best for my beautiful,amazing girlfriend💝😘
Michelle:Ok baby,go to work. We'll talk when you get home.

*Michelle's POV*

It's only 7:30 I go in Colton's room to see if he is still sleeping. He is,so I turn the monitor on and go back in my room. I put a movie on and go back to sleep until Colton wakes up.

*two hours later(10:00)*
The sound of Colton crying wakes me up. I run to his room and grab him. I change his diaper then we go in the kitchen to get us some breakfast. After we are both done I sit with him in on the couch and watch his cartoons until he falls back asleep....

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