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Detention. Bonding. And Quidditch lessons.


Okay maybe it was a bad idea to skip class.

Unfortunately for i, Christina, Susan and Granger, My mother wasn't very merciful that day, probably still sour about what happened at the great hall. She assigned us detention to our head of houses and took points even though Granger explained it was her fault that we skipped class. Which, technically, was her fault. But dear mother being the wonderful mother she was, wanted a pay back.

But since Professor Sprouts and Flitwick were busy, they asked Professor Black to take over our detention and he accepted.

And that was the reason we were heading down the dungeons at that moment.

''This is ridiculous!''. Christina complained. ''We helped a student and they give us detention!? Seriously!?''.

''We skipped class Christine''. Susan reminded.

''Yeah! To help a student''. She said exasperately.

''Talking of said student''. I turned to Granger. ''How are you doing? Did my words sink in? If they did we are ready to help you kick some asses''.

''For the love of Merlin Aurora!''. Christina glared at me. ''Leave the girl alone!''.

I shrugged nonchalantly. ''Am not holding her Christine, so please, don't put your stress on me''.

Christina looked like she was ready to bounce on me and tear me apart, but Granger came to the rescue.

''Aurora is right''. She said quietly. ''I am tired of being ridiculed. I might've allowed it back at home, but i won't here. I will show those blood purists that a 'mudblood' like me could be so much better than them. I will be better than them''.

I smiled widely. ''That's the spirit girl!. And if you still want that revenge, tell me, i've got few ideas stored up in my head''.

''Aurora!''. Susan complained.

''She's right''. Christina nodded. ''Those bitches need to be taught a lesson''.

''Wow! Where did that come from?''.

''We are here!''. Susan said quickly, probably having enough of our conversion.

''Come in''. Professor Black's smooth voice came from the other side before Susan even knocked. We gave each other a confused look, but eventually shrugged it off.

''Ah, miss Granger, miss Theall, miss Bones and miss Potter, Detention on your first day of school? I have to say, that is quite the record''. He chuckled and gestured us all in. ''You are all going to write lines''. We all groaned at this. ''Yes yes, i had the same reaction on my first time but i assure you, its better than scrubbing couldrons, trust me. You four are really lucky Severus wasn't your supervisor, you wouldn't have survived the night''. He chuckled again as he magic-ed four parchments infront of us with quils and ink bottles.

''What will we be writing sir?''. Granger asked.

''Oh! Let me guess, 'Never ditch classes again'''. I said quickly with an innocent smile. Professor Black raised an eyebrow and gave me a look that said he knew exactly what i was doing, but i just kept up my innocent smile.

''Smart move miss Potter, but i am a slytherin, you can't fool me that easily''. I pouted at this making him laugh. ''But i will allow it only because am in a good mood. Now start, fifty lines will do''. With that he went back to marking some parchments.

I am Aurora, Sister Of The 'Girl Who Lived'.Where stories live. Discover now