Chapter I

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Nikita tries casting a floating spell on the item she brought into class today, but for some reason she couldn’t get her bottle to float.  She swears she’s doing the spell as it should be cast according to the book that she’s got lying right in front of her.

Kasidy only had to try the spell once and she got her spell book floating flawlessly.  That had only irritated Nikita even more than she already was.

Why the hell can’t I get this spell right?!  Nikita thought to herself.

Kasidy had seen how troubled and irritated her best friend seems to be.  She ended up deciding on trying to calm her.

“You’re going to be okay, Nik.  Not everyone who casts a new spell gets it right on the first try,” she said, calmly.

“I know that, Kas.  But I should be able to.  I come from a long line of promisingly strong witches and that means a spell as simple as this shouldn’t be this hard!” Nikita exclaimed, overwhelmed.

Kasidy looked at her wide eyed surprised at her louder than-should-have-been octave.  Nikita saw her and apologized.  She understood and said it’s alright. 

Her grandmother, Barbara, comes walking over to her.  She’s the teacher of Nikita’s New Witches and Wizards class.

“Is everything okay over here, dear?” she asked her granddaughter.

“It should be,” Nikita started, “but it surely isn’t.  You and I are descending witches from our ancestors.  We’re witches of the Coven of the Night Grove.  We’re the strongest witches out there!  And I can’t even master such a simple spell as this…”

“It’s fine, dear.  I know you feel like this should all be coming to you naturally, but it’s okay if it doesn’t.  I do understand and I know it’s hard.”  She smiled knowingly at her and she smiled back.

As soon as her grandmother walked away, while knowing there’s some calmness to her and within her thanks to her grandmother, she tried the spell once more and, to her, her grandmother’s, and her best friend’s surprise, she did it.  She got her bottle floating!  She felt such relief.

This was all for you, Mama, she thought to herself.  This was all for you.  I love and miss you.  And I promise to become the most powerful witch you once were. 

After a long day's work, Nikita decided that she’d go home and go to bed.  She had no appetite and she was hella tired.  The second she walked through the door, kicked her shoes off, she fell right to sleep the second her head hit the pillow.

~ ~ ~

Nikita wakes up in what’s seemingly her own bedroom.  Completely clean and the way she’s always left it.  Fluffy queen sized bed with a walk-in closet and a connecting bathroom.  She smells breakfast being made.  It took her a few seconds but she finally could make out omelets being made.  Her favorite!!

As she heads down to the kitchen, she hears a female’s voice.  And it sounded like Nikita’s mother.  She wasn’t sure at first, but the second time she heard her speak she was suddenly way more certain that it was her mother.  So she quickly got ready and ran down the stairs, ready to jump into her mama’s arms happy she’s home.  But she couldn’t feel her or anything.  Instead, she went right through her.

What…? She seemed confused.  She contemplated this for a couple more moments before things started clicking together.  Realization had set in.  This is how the day started before mom had died.  And now I’m reliving it…

Nikita’s mom, Rosemary, called for Nikita.  This version of Nikita was 12 years old.  She was such a bright and happy child with such a wild imagination.  But every normal 12 year old is like that.  Nikita sat at the table and her mom set her breakfast in front of her with a large glass of orange juice in her favorite Frozen cup while kissing the top of her head.

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