Chapter V

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It turns out Nikita had had the same exact dream last night.  All the same details, everything she said.  She seems kinda weirded out by it, but she found herself falling for him even more.  Is it a witch thing?  Is it possible that if they feel such a close and powerful connection with someone that they, too, would have the same exact dream of the same night as the person they feel a close connection with?  Does their witchery sense it in some way somehow?  Guess those are all questions that she’s going to have to answer her sister and grandmother.  But, right now, she needs to get her shower taken and get ready for the day.

As soon as she took her shower and got dressed, she headed downstairs for breakfast.  She smelled her favorite that her grandmother was stirring up.  Biscuits and gravy with a side of eggs and sausage patties.  She wonders what’s going on today.

“Morning, granny,” Nikita cheerfully says as she goes to her and gives her a side kiss.

“Morning, darling,” she replied.

“I sense you’re making my favorite breakfast.  What’s the special occasion?” Nikita asked.

“Oh, nothing, dear,” her granny replied.  “I just thought I’d do something special for you today since you do so much for us.”

She smiled.

“I do have some questions I wanna ask both you and Steph about if that’s okay with either of you?”  Nikita asked.

They exchanged looks with one another but they both agreed.  Nikita was pleased.

“Thanks for breakfast, granny.”  Barbara smiled.

~ ~ ~ 

Roman’s parents walked in and noticed his puzzled look.

“Is everything okay, son?” Candice asked.

“Yes, except for the fact I can’t seem to stop myself from thinking over and over again about last night,” he replied.

“What seems to be the matter?” Floyd had now asked.

“I honestly don’t know.  I know that werewolves tend to have certain dreams about a certain someone they feel a close connection with, but we aren’t supposed to be having that with a witch.  But what if we do?” Roman had put out there.

His father came over and slapped him across the face.

“Don’t you EVER talk or think like that!”

Roman’s father was furious!

Then he continued, “You may be alpha, but we are now part of the Wise Ones.  And you will listen to us!  They took from us unreplaceable, priceless items that are supposed to help us take care of our own just so they can make themselves stronger!”

“You’re father’s right,” Candice chimed in.  “You need to listen to us, or we do have the authority to take your right as Alpha away.”

“But think about it, Mom.  That happened how long ago?  It’s a new generation and it’s time for new changes.  And, if youdo take me off as Alpha, you’ll be speaking to Apollo.  Not me.  And he’s MUCH stronger than either one of yours.  You taught me to grow up strong and to be able to handle any circumstances, so this is all on you.”

And with that he pushed through between his parents and walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

~ ~ ~

The school day was over.  It was such an accomplished day.  Nikita had mastered more than 10 spells and potions!  But now it was time to talk to her family.

“Hey, guys?” she tried getting their attention.

They had seemed to look up.

“Yeah?” Stephanie responded, confused.

“I asked you guys earlier if we could talk after class?” Nikita was confused.

Barbara had looked at Stephanie with a confused look before she realized what her youngest granddaughter was talking about.

“Of course, dear,” Nikita’s grandmother responded.

Then, after a few moments passed, they talked.

Nikita had explained she had had a dream last night about a certain someone but wouldn’t identify who.

“I don’t know yet if this person had the same dream last night, but if they and I were to have the same exact dream.  But if they were to, wouldn’t it mean that the witch has the ability to sense there being a special connection with a certain someone?  Nikita asked.

Both Nikita’s mom and sister dwelled over this as they thought about this.

“Yes,” they both replied at once after a few moments of thinking.

“But,” her sister continued, “if we sense that, and if it’s with a werewolf, the witch would also sense the wolf and how strong it is.  The stronger the wolf, the better the chances are of protecting their person and succeeding.”

She let this run through her mind a few moments, getting a better understanding.

“You know witches and werewolves can’t interbreed with each other, right?  This was just a hypothetical question, yeah?” Barabara asked.

“I know this, granny.  And, yes, it’s all hypothetical.  Thank you!” she replied.

They smiled.  And before she parted with them to go find Roman, she kissed them both on the cheek goodbye.

I’ve got to find Roman and talk to him.  He’d probably understand what’s going on better than anyone else.”

And, with that, she’s off.

~ ~ ~

Here's to Chapter V!!  Hope y'all enjoy it!  Please don't forget to comment, vote and share!  I love you all my lovely chery blossoms!! 😍😘🥰🌺

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