Chapter III

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Today’s a new day, and everyone around is doing whatever deems normal to them.  Roman, on the other hand, is out for a run.  His wolf was getting a little irritated and he thought it was a good idea to transform into him and just let him run.  Apollo was seeming to like it.

Apollo was seeming to enjoy running around, feeling the wind in his fur.  But in a short while, he and Roman would need to be heading back home soon.  Roman could only let things alone for a short while before things started getting outta hand.  Oh, the lovely wonders of being the Alpha.

As he was back, his mother had asked him where he was.  She understands he’s the new alpha and all, but she worries about him.  Just like any mother would worry for their child.  He nodded.  “Everything is fine,” he said.

They were heading back to the town hall where everyone was enjoying this beautiful sunny day.  But Roman noticed almost instantly that Nikita was talking to his best friend Xavier.  There was someone else with her, too, but he’s never seen her before.  And they were all just talking and laughing.

Roman walks over.  “What’s going on?” he had asked Xavier.

“Oh, nothing.  Just telling funny and embarrassing stories about you,” he replied with a huge ear-to-ear white toothy grin.  Everyone laughed.


“I’m just joking.  Calm down,” Xavier inputted.  “They’re just embarrassing stories.”  And everyone burst out laughing.

Roman was just getting irritated, but his eye caught the chocolate haired angel and his wolf was antsy.  This is so wrong, witches and wolves aren't supposed to counteract with one another, but there’s just something about this New Witch and he needs to know more about her now.

He notices Xavier has taken a liking to her, too, and it’s really got Roman fired up.  But, by the way the New Witch’s friend is looking at Xavier…?  Yeah, he can see them together.

“So, what brings you here?” Roman asked.  Then he just had a realization.  “Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.  I’m Roman, the Alpha of this pack.  And this here,” he slaps his best friend on the shoulder, “is my best friend and right hand Xavier.”

“Oh, duh,” Nikita said, forgetting her manners.  “I forgot to introduce us.  I’m Nikita, a New Witch.  And this here is—,” she gets cut off by her best friend.

“And I’m Kasidy.  I, too, am a New Witch.  And we’re just wandering around the area.”

“Somebody wanted to come see the hot werewolf,” Nikita replied, giving her a sideways glance.

“No!!” Kasidy defended.  “I- Well I- I mean- Yeah, Nik here’s right.  I can’t even come up with a decent and believable lie.  Heh.”

Xavier was definitely falling for Kasidy.  Her stuttering and racking her brain for a lie?  Well, he found that unbelievably cute!  At least now Roman doesn’t have to worry about Xavier winning her over.  But the real question is…  Will Kasidy, even though she has no googly eyes for Roman, fall for Xavier?

~ ~ ~

After a couple of hours of learning things about one another, the girls had ended up deciding to go home.  They forgot Nikita’s grandmother had told them they needed to be home at a certain time and now they’re late.  Kasidy and Nikita had definitely lost time while they were enjoying talking with the boys.

They had learned that the girls love being romanticized.  Going on long walks along the beach, moonlit dining and dancing, etc.  They had also learned some things that they really liked and enjoyed.  Whether it’d be their favorite color or dish, city or small town, etc.

Now the boys?  Well, they are werewolves, so they adore roughhousing.  But they also know how to treat a girl.  If a girl is his, nothing gets to her with him in the way.  

While Roman and Nikita were falling for one another, Xavier and Kasidy were as well.

Roman’s wolf, Apollo, wanted her.  He was trying to let Roman know that that’s who his wolf wants.  Roman let Apollo know that he understood… And that he can’t do anything about it right now.  After all, werewolves and witches aren’t supposed to interact with one another romantically.  Or in any way for that matter unless it was a life or death situation.  And even then they hardly did.  Depending on the situation, they were able to figure it out and solve it, fix it, themselves.

So, because of the rules, no matter how badly he wanted her, he was glad she was gone.  At least he was able to keep his wolf maintained.

Xavier on the other hand was having a much more difficult time than Roman.  But then again, even tho Roman does struggle with keeping his wolf contained, it’s easier for him at the same time cuz he’s the Alpha of the pack.  And he knows what needs to be done.

He started heading back to the heart of his home.  They both did.  And Roman had noticed everyone doing their part.  Roman and his wolf aren’t technically bad.  They know how to keep everything and everyone in order so nothing and no one gets out of place, but he’s also quite lenient.  He lets his pack members, his family, do what they want as long as their home by 10 during the nights of the brightest full moon.  Roman may be easygoing, but because he’s the Alpha and has the biggest, baddest, strongest Alpha wolf who is a part of him, he will keep everyone safe.  No matter the consequences.  Don’t worry, Apollo is sweet and caring.  But if someone ticks him off and pushes his buttons just right he will show them who’s boss.

Roman and Xavier Parted ways.  Xavier went toward some boys who were fooling around while Roman went to go find his parents to let him know he was off to bed.  Another wonderful thing is that his parents don’t mind holding the fort while he goes to bed.  They are often semi-night owls anyway, and they understand that their son needs at least 8 hours of sleep at night if he wants to be able to handle the pack for 16 hours a day.

Roman goes home and gets ready for bed.  Gets his teeth brushed, his face washed, and then settles into bed.  Despite how tired and exhausted he is, he can’t seem to go to sleep.  He can’t stop thinking about Nikita.

After about two and a half to three hours of restless sleep, he was able to drift into a deep and peaceful sleep.  Once asleep, he dreamt of nothing and no one other than of him and Nikita.  He never wanted to wake up from this beautiful dream.

~ ~ ~

Hello my beautiful cherry blossoms!!  Chapter III has come to and end.  Hope y'all have read and enjoyed?  Chapter IV coming soon!!  I love you all my glorious cherry blossoms!!🌺🥰  Don't forget to comment, vote, and share!

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