Chapter VIII

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Nikita woke up in a forest in the middle of nowhere.  Not as herself, but as a wolf.

Where am I?  Why am I a wolf?  I'm a witch for fuck's sake!  I shouldn't be this God awful, yet beautiful, creature!  (The reason it's God awful and beautiful is because she just wanted to be a witch again but beautiful for she's never seen a full white wolf before and it took her breath away.) She sounded so confused and so desperate.

She ended up wandering around, trying to find a way out of the woods and back home.  Wanting her grandmother and sister to so helplessly return her back to her original form.  But, no matter how much or how hard she looks, she's stuck.  Trapped.

Nikita started to run, pant, for she's scared and doesn't know what to do.  She can't find an exit.  But she did happen to bump into this huge, mysterious red wolf.

You okay, little wolf?

Was that her voice?  No, it couldn't have been.  Sounded too deep and masculine to be hers.  So how is he talking to her?

Werewolves can read each other's minds, little one.  It's how we communicate.

Did he just read her mind and answer her unspoken questions?  Impossible!!

It is possible.  And I know I shouldn't read your mind without permission, but I know you're needing help and I can help you.

Nikita was so relieved.  She did agree that he shouldn't be reading her mind without her permission, but relieved.

Who are you?  Why am I a wolf?  I'm a witch, Nikita told the mysterious wolf.

Here, let's take a walk while I answer all your questions and then some, replied the wolf.

Nikita agreed.

The big wolf continued,

But how do I have my own wolf?  Both my parents were witches, and my grandparents on either side.  Where did my wolf come from? Nikita asked.

Not only do I keep an eye out for those to become werewolves amongst the werewolves, I also keep an eye out for the witches.  To watch and to see who is honorable to have the White Wolf Spirit Artica.  It just so happens that this century you're the most powerful witch of all.  With you and Artica working together, you both will be able to keep the peace between werewolves and witches.  While also being able to help ward off the Darkness.

This is a lot of information to take in.  She's also understanding more about not only her kind, but Roman's as well.  And maybe why she finds him attractive.

Who are you?  You've never given me a name, Nikita piped.

Oh, I most certainly apologize!  How could I forget to introduce myself?  I'm Conri.  The god of all wolf spirits.

What makes my wolf more special than all the rest? Nikita asked.

What makes your wolf so special is that not only does she have a power to help protect you from harm when in danger, she can stretch it to her partner to protect him, too.  You may find yourself drawn to Roman, and him to you.  But that's just fate.  Artica does have a big role to play, but she is also the reason why you're so drawn to Roman and his wolf.  You hadn't noticed Artica was there until now, but how do you think Roman, and his wolf, fell for you?  

It's making more and more sesne, Nikita thought to herself.

Artica woke due to the fact that there was arguing about the rules, Conri continued.  And she wants the rules to modernize just as much as you and Roman.  The rules hadn't changed in over a century.  So of course Artica would be just as ready.

A lot of information as well, Nikita thought.

So Artica was always a part of me?  Ever since birth? She asked.


This is all good to know.

She also made a mental note in the back of her mind to tell Roman about all of this since he's a part of it as well.

The dream, or what she'd call a dream, was starting to morph and fade.

Wait! Before you go, there's just one thing you need to know, Conri yelled through Nikita's head.  Artica's very sensitive and overprotective.  She will become alert at the most least important scenarios.  Make sure to reassure her that everything's okay.  Understand?!

Of course, Conri, she replied back.

And with that, her eyes fluttered open.

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