Chapter VI

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It hadn't taken Nikita all of twenty minutes to get to the werewolves' headquarters.  And that's more likely because she had sped halfway there.  After all, this is important.

She pretty much jumped out the car and started in a full run towards Roman as soon as she put the car in park.

She was in such a hurry about finding him that she practically ran into him face first into his perfectly chiseled abs.  Roman let out a sudden breath and got a grip of her shoulders and held her out at arms length.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Nikita replied.  "It's just that I need to talk to you."

"About a certain dream you had last night?" Roman asked as he dropped his arms to his sides after making sure she's stable enough to stand on her own.

"How'd you know?"

"Because if it's anything like the dream I had, then I'm pretty sure I know."

Nikita looked so confused.

"Hey, let's go back to my place to talk about this.  Besides, if any of the Wise Onea found out, they'd have our heads.  My parents are okay, even tho they are part if the council, so we don't gotta worry about them.  They're the ones who I first talked to.  But they weren't too happy.  They know I'm wanting to talk to you cause they want me to figure this all out."

Roman grabbed Nikita’s hand as soon as she nodded in agreement.

Not even two minutes later were they already at his place shutting and locking the door behind them, and sitting across from one another at the dining room table.

Before they continued the conversation, he shot a text out to his parents on his phone which he pulled from the front pocket of his jeans letting them know that Nikita was there to talk with him about last night's dream and asked if they could watch over the pack for a little while.  Not too long after they replied saying that they would.

"So," Nikita started, "this is gonna be a pretty awkward talk, but I'll just come straight out and ask the question I'm pretty sure we're both thinking.  Did you end up having a sex dream… about me?"

Roman nodded.  "There's gotta be a reason why Apolo has a mating connection with you.  Witches and werewolves, they aren't supposed to —"

"I know," Nikita had cut him off.  "But maybe this is a good thing?  To show both our people that witches and werewolves can intertwine and work together as one big group.  Especially with what's coming."

They both sat in silence as Roman contemplated over what Nikita had just said.  Maybe she's right.  Maybe it is time for a new era for the wolves and witches.  Afterall, the wolf imprints who they want to be with forever, on who they wanna protect.  So who is he to deny what his wolf wants?  And with the Darkness coming?  They would do better together against her.

"You're right," Roman said finally.  "Whatever had happened between the witches and werewolves had happened hundreds of years ago.  It's time to create a new world.  A world where witches and wolves can walk upon these lands together.  We should take this to my parents first since they are now part of the Wise Ones before taking it directly to everyone else who's part of them."

Nikita agreed.  And with that, they went off to find his parents.

Roman ended up running into Xavier first.  He asked him if he could take over watching over the pack and tending to their needs for awhile while he talks to his parents.  Xavier said he would.  Roman knew that, if he needed Xavier to do something, he'd do it without hesitation and with full confidence.  Yeah, he likes to fuck around, do stupid shit, and just he his crazy energetic self, but Roman also knows he can be mature when it's most needed.

As Roman headed towards his parents, he was pulling Nikita along with him.  She couldn't believe how fast all of this was happening.  But, before she knew it, they were right there.  Standing in front of both of Roman's parents.

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