Chapter VII

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"So, mom," Roman started out.  "Nikita and I have been talking and we wanna run something by you.  You think you can keep an open mind?"

Mrs. Zachsfield nodded while looking at her husband.  He also put in his word of agreement.

So, before you know it, both Roman and Nikita were talking to his parents about what they previously talked about among themselves.

After about and hour or so, they were deep in thought, and contemplating over what was just said.

"I believe you're onto something," muttered Mrs. Zachsfield.  "What do you think, Floyd?"

"We've always had these rules.  They are what has worked for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.  I don't think there's any reason to change what's been working," Mr. Zachsfield piped.

"There's always a reason, Floyd!  Why can't this be it?" Roman's mother is becoming furious.

Nikita, on the other hand, felt like she wasn't in the right place at the right time.  Not with all of this yelling happening about.  But then something happened.  Before she knew it she was suddenly ghost white, eyes fluttering shut, falling as she fainted.  But luckily Roman was watching and ran to catch her before her head slammed against the floor.

"What happened?" Mrs. Zachsfield asked, worried.  "Is she gonna be okay?"

As soon as the question was asked, Roman was wondering the same thing.  His father, on the other hand, not so much.  After all, he's against changing the rules and with how things are run.

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