Chapter II

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Barbara and the Alpha male went to a private room to talk. 

“What do you want, Roman?” Barbara asked

“There’s someone here who wants to see you,” Roman replied.  We’ll have to head outside.”

So with that, they came back to the classroom so Barbara could alert Stephanie and have her take over the class for the next while.  Then she and Roman headed outside.  Waiting for them outside was one of the Wise Ones, an elder known as Lupe.

“We have come to you for your assistance, Madame Witch,” Lupe had put forwardly.  “We are having issues with Forever Tree.  We cannot seem to keep it from dying.”

“You know that it is against our best knowledge that we work together.  But, the Forever Tree is something I will help you with for it affects all of us magical creatures.  Do what you can until I get there.  I need to go warn my granddaughters,” Barbara replied.

“Of course, Madame.  Do what you must.” 

And, before they parted ways, they both gave one another a slight bow.  It’s their way of saying farewell.

Before we knew it, Barbara was back in the room.  She signaled for both Stephanie and Nikita to come to her.

“We need to head to the woods of the Blue Moon Pack.  They are the ones who protect the Forever Tree.  If anything happens to it, it’ll be the end of us all.”

Nikita looked a little worried.  But she knew what she had to do to help her grandmother and sister with saving the Forever Tree.

"Of course, Grammy.  You ready, sis?" Nikita asked.  Stephanie nodded and off they went.

They all headed to the car, started it up, and headed about their way.  Took them about a half hour to 45 minutes to get to where the Blue Moon Pack and the Forever Tree are.

Once they arrived, the Wise One, Lupe, the Alpha, Roman, and his best friend, Xavier, were all waiting for their arrival.

"Lead the way, Wise One," Barbara instructed.  And on the way they went.  To the heart of the Blue Moon's home. 

~ ~ ~

Roman led the way with Lupe and Xavier.  Once they got there, they couldn't believe how much worse the Forever Tree had gotten.  It looked so sad, and it was losing its colors.

"Oh my," Barbara gasped.  All three of them were in shock and surprise as to how bad the Forever Tree had become.

"I know just what to do," Stephanie announced.  "Just follow my lead."

And Barbara and Nikita had done just that.  They all chanted in a foreign language, and as they were doing so, the Forever Tree was starting to look like it was coming back from the brink of death. 

After about five minutes, they were done.  Everyone applauded them.  And even Roman was taking a liking to the New Witch.  Xavier, too.

But after a few moments, the tree was starting to falter and start slowly dying again. 

"That should have worked," Stephanie exclaimed.  "I just had Grammy and Nikita cast Immortal Life around the Forever Tree with me."

"If that didn't work…" Barbara started.

"...then nothing will," Nikita finished.

Everyone has seemed to be in agony.  Everyone was panicking.

The werewolves can still shapeshift, the witches and wizards can still do important magic when and/or if needed, but that's it. 

Nikita just had a deja vu moment.  In her vision, all of this didn't start for at least another few months.  But if it's starting a few months ahead of schedule?  Well… then they've only got two months to prepare for the Darkness.

~ ~ ~

Hello my lovely cherry blossoms!  Hope you guys love the enduring of the second chapter!!  Plz, don't be afraid of commenting, sharing, or giving this chapter a star!  See you all soon!! 😊🌸

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