The Strange Boy at the Museum

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~This Story takes place many years after the Flash. There many be spoilers of certain events mentioned in seasons 1-7

Disclaimer: Any characters, places, and events used or mentioned from the Flash are owned by the CW. I do not own them. I own the characters, places, and events I create. I also own the artwork for the cover and chapter pictures.

This is my first story! I hope you like it. I'll be updating new chapters on Wednesdays. Enjoy!

Chapter One

In order to understand what I'm about to tell you; you need to do something first. You need to belive in the impossible. Can you do that? Good. My name is Phoebe Hart. I am the fastest woman alive. I've been running my whole life. When I was a baby, my parents were killed in an accident. Since then, I have been in Foster care. I ran away, a lot. I went to family after family until I was adopted by the Hart's. I always thought I was normal, never knowing I would become the impossible.

I started my day just like any other by getting coffee at Jitters before school. I got a Flash. They still had it after all these years. He was our greatest hero after all.

I sat at my usual table and pulled out my laptop to do homework.

"I heard they opened a new wing in the Flash Museum." Kayla said as she pushed my laptop closed.

Kayla is my best friend. She is a sweet, Asian girl with long black hair that falls to her lower back. Large glasses with a thin frame cover her large brown eyes. She's small but has a big personality. She lived in South Korea for most of her life, moving here to Central City four years ago. We met at Jitters and were instantly best friends.

"Really? What's in it?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, but I'm guessing they are finally going to put XS in it." Kayla sat down across from me, lifting her mug close to her face with both hands.

"Or maybe they will put all of the Flash suits on display." I suggested.

"We should go after school!" Kayla said, almost spilling her coffee.

"I have a lot of homework to do." I told her. She was pleading with her large brown eyes. "Okay fine, but only because I want to see the new wing."
"Yes!" She pumped her fist.

"But only for an hour."


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We met up after school and walked to the Flash museum. It isn't too far from the school and none of us own a car yet. My family has only one car and my parents get to use it before me. I'm seventeen but my family can't afford another car.

We walked along the corridors towards the new section of the museum.

"You know what's crazy?" I asked.

"What?" Came the muffled relpy from Kayla. She was wrapped in a light pink scarf she had pulled out of her backpack half way through school. She did that a lot. She always seemed to have lots of clothing items with her and would spontaneously change them throughout the day.

"There used to be so many speedsters, Flash, XS, Kid Flash, Zoom, Godspeed, Savitar, even Resverse Flash, and now, there are none. It's like they all just disapeared!"

Kayla pulled down her scarf. "That is odd. I guess there aren't any villans either."

"That's nice at least." That got my mind turning. Where had they all gone? Why weren't there any more? What caused them to have their abilities and why did it stop?

I was lost in thought when I realized Kayla wasn't by my side anymore. I panicked for a few seconds until I saw her in the gift shop. I rolled my eyes. She was probably buying a new accessory.

I strolled over to the hall of villans. This place always gave me the creeps. I stood in front of the Zoom suit. It was all black, not a single color was on this suit. It had an emblem like the Flash's. The mask creeped me out with the way it covers the mouth as if it was sewn shut and was trying to break free.

It scared me to think that once there were people like this all over. Dangerous meta-humans with bad intentions. Thankfully, the Flash was there to help. Would I be brave enough to step in and save the city if I were him? Would I be willing to die for people I never even knew?

"Pretty freaky, isn't it?" A deep voice said to my left. I turned to see a boy about my age. He was tall, and his messy, dirty blonde hair stuck out at odd angles. He was built like an athelete but he wore thick nerdy glasses that framed his blue-gray eyes, the same color as mine. Something was off about his expression.

I could tell by his posture and expression that he was hiding his true feelings. He was acting happy and friendly to hide what was inside. I was trying to figure out what he was hiding when he caught me staring.

"Do you come here a lot?" I asked him.

"I've been here a few times, but I'm not from this area." I could tell he was keeping a seceret. The way he carried himself, he was careful, and the way he looked at the villan suits with, something else. It was like he was sizing them up, calculating the best move to take them down.

"I've always been interested in speedsters and meta-humans." I said.

"Same." He replied. He smiled, but his eyes told a different story. They held wisdom and power, yet never showed emotion. There was something strange about him. Something seemed off.

I saw Kayla exit the gift shop. "I got to go, it was nice meeting you, um,"


"Bye Alger."

It wasn't until I walked away that I realised I couldn't read him. I couldn't tell what he was feeling. For the first time, I couldn't figure out what someone wanted from me, and it terrified me.

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