The New Speedster

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Chapter Two

Kayla and I had gone to the new wing in the Flash museum. I was right, there had been several Flash suits on display.

I wondered why they hadn't put the XS suit on display yet. Did they not have it? All they had of XS was her mask and emblem. It talked about her on a plaque but there was still no suit. What had happened to it?

After exploring the new area, we went our separate ways and I headed home.

I walked into our small house and went to the living room.

"You're late!" My little sister, Ivy, called as she ran down the stairs, her honey blonde hair flowing behind her. She looked up at me with her wide, curious brown eyes. Like me, she was adopted. "Where were you?" She demanded.

"I was at the Flash museum."

"Again? You were supposed to help me plan my birthday party remember?" She tugged at my arm.

"Okay. Shall we get started?"

"Yes! I have so many ideas! This has got to be the biggest party this neighborhood has ever seen! I am turning ten after all!"

I followed her up to her room as she described her brithday plans.

We spent several hours planning and mostly horsing around.

I looked at the time. "Oh no, I need to go. I'm so sorry, I have a lot of homework I need to do."

"I can help!" Ivy stood up and gave me her hand to help me up.

"I'd like to see you try high school level math." I smirked.

"Okay fine. Go do your lame homework." She shoved me to the door. I turned and pushed her back. With one shove, she had fallen on her beanbag chair, giggling.

I crept away to my room to do several long pages of math homework before I got too tired.

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I woke up the next morning and got ready for the day. I slipped on my favorite jacket I wore every day. It's a one-of-a-kind dark purple jacket with a white line in the center that splits into two at the top. This jacket was the only thing I had of my biological family. I was told it was my grandmother's. That's all I knew of her. I toyed with doing something with my short, curly brown hair but then decided against it.

I slipped out the front door, ready to begin my day.

Kayla and I met up at Jitters like usual. We had gotten our coffee and sat at the table we always sit at.

"Did you see Audrey the other day? She was like..." Kayla droned on about Audrey. We didn't like her. She was rude and always messing things up for us. She was always made us look bad so she would look good.

I wasn't paying attention to what Kayla was saying. Instead, my eyes wandered over to the small TV in the corner where the news was playing.

"We have gotten multiple eyewitness reports of the sightings of an orange blur around the city." The reporter informed. A picture appeared next to the reporter. It showed a blur with a trail of orange and yellow lighting. Kayla followed my gaze.

"Oh my..." she said.

I turned to Kayla. "Do you know what this means?" I paused to let her try to guess. When she didn't respond, I continued. "There's a new speedster! They're back!"

"That's incredible!" She said.

"Could there be more? Is he good or bad? I say he when it could be a she, or maybe-"

"Slow down!" Kayla cutt me off. "We don't know anything about him or her. Just promise me you won't run off to investigate please? It could be dangerous."

"Okay fine." What Kayla didn't know was that I wouldn't be keeping that promise. Later, I would find that speedster and it would change my life forever.

The Blitz: Heros Risingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن