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Chapter Nine

When I got to L.U.N.A.R. labs, I saw another battle between Alger and the mysterious speedster he had fought a few nights before. Black lighting chased after orange as they raced around the building.

I spotted Ian and Dr. Owens on the roof with gun-like weapons in their hands. It seemed like they were trying to shoot at the intruder with no luck.

As Alger came around the corner, I joined him, running at superspeed next to him.

"Hey! How can I help?" I called.

He glanced over at me. "You shouldn't be here." He responded.

"I made my decision, and I stand by it." I said. "I already took down my first bad guy just before coming here."

Alger didn't say anything for a few moments. "If you were attacked at the same time I was, that must mean Quickstep is under attack. They split us up and attacked us individually. You must get to Quickstep and help him."

I began to fall behind. I looked behind me to see the black streak rapidly approaching. I wasn't strong enough to keep up with the speed they were going at.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"When he left L.U.N.A.R. labs he told us he was going to Jitters. You need to make sure he is okay."

I nodded.

"Now run Phoebe, run!"

I pulled away hoping Alger and the team would be able to handle themselves as I ran towards Jitters.

I stopped dead in my tracks. A window in Jitters was broken. Something or someone must've been thrown through it. The fight was no longer in Jitters. It was on the street right outside.

I saw Asher fighting two people. They were both metas. One shot lighting at him and the other controlled water.

It was two against one. Time to make it fair.

I sped around the lightning dude and punched the water girl in the face. I stopped next to Asher. He was in his super suit. When he saw me, he smiled.

"You just couldn't stay away from me."

"I came to save your butt." I shot back.

The water girl recoverd and regrouped with the lightning guy.

The hydrokinetic began to gather water and Asher rushed to meet her. Electricity arched from the lighting dude heading right towards me. His lighting was just as fast as I was.

I sprang into action, narrowly missing his shot. I weaved around the lighting sparking around him, trying to get to him.

A painful jolt ran through my body as lightning struck me. I fell and tumbled out of superspeed behind him.

I sat up. Everything was fuzzy and unclear. My ears rang in my head. I must've hit it hard when I fell.

"Look out!" Asher yelled. I could faintly make out Asher running towards the lightning dude. The hydrokinetic's water wasn't far behind him.

Asher ran past lighting dude just before lightning struck him. The water splashed onto the lighting dude's hand. He recoiled, zapped by his own lighting. This gave me an idea.

I stood up as my senses returned to me. "Quickstep!" I called. "What happens when lightning strikes water?"

His eyes widened with realization. He ran next to the lighting dude, getting him to zap lightning at him. I ran to the hydrokinetic, getting her to send water after me. Asher and I crossed passed each other. I stopped and looked behind me to see exactly what I had hoped for.

They had crossed streams, electricity branching between them, electrifying both of them. They fell down into smoking heaps.

Asher cuffed them with strange looking cuffs.

"What are those?" I asked.

"Meta dampening cuffs. It will dampen their powers. We haven't had to use them in a while, since there were no metas besides speeders, or so we thought."

"That's strange." I noted. "We need to get back to L.U.N.A.R. labs and help Alger."

Asher nodded, and together we rushed away, to help a friend fight a mysterious black streak.

Author's Note

I'm so sorry this chapter was so late. I have been really busy and don't have much time to write. I have lots of homework to do and after school activities. For the next few months my updates will be irregular. Please vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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