I crash a superhero fight

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~I was able to write this chapter before next week since I can't post it then. I decided to post it early instead of waiting two weeks.

Chapter Six

"You're not going without me." I said before any of them could leave.

"No." Alger said. "It's too dangerous. You don't know how to use your powers yet."

"Please, I can help." I begged.

"No." Alger said as his suit expanded from his ring and he jumped into it.
Asher gave me a sympathetic look before doing the same.

His suit looked like Kid Flash's but the top was an emerald green and the bottom was sapphire blue.

In a flash of orange, green, and yellow lightning, they were gone.

I didn't hesitate. I went after them.

I followed their streaks of lightning and within moments we arrived at the scene.

Alger turned towards me. "I told you not to come. But since you came, you could've at least worn a mask?"


My jacket didn't even have a hood to hide my face with.

"Don't worry." Asher said and tossed something to me. It was a purple mask that would cover around my eyes. I put it on. Asher winked.

"You knew I was coming." I said.

"It takes one to know one." He replied.

"While you guys were busy flirting I have analyzed the situation." Alger interrupted. I blushed. "There is a team of six robbers in there and five hostages. Quickstep and I will round up the robbers and Phoebe will get the hostages to safety. Understood?"

Asher nodded.

"I want to help take down the bad guys." I complained.

"Phoebe, listen." Alger turned towards me. "Quickstep and I have experience doing this. They are armed with guns. It takes practice to be able to dodge or catch bullets. What is more important than taking down the robbers is that those people trapped inside get out safely. Our mission being a hero is to save people above anything else. Is that clear?" I nodded.

Asher and Alger turned and phased through the wall and went inside. I let myself in through the door, wishing I knew how to phase through objects.

Thankfully the robbers didn't notice my entry because they were distracted with the two speedsters zooming around and taking them down.

I snuck over to the captives. "I'm gonna get you out of here." I whispered.

There were to guys and three ladies. One of them was crying while the other two comforted her. This must have been scary for them, not knowing if this day would be their last.

I ran the people outside where they would be safe than ran back in to see how the boys were doing.

The robbers we're all tied up against a pillar and Asher had collected all their guns. He arranged them in a pattern on the floor out of reach from the robbers while Alger rolled his eyes at him.

"Well done." Alger told me. I felt my hopes rise.

"You did great, for a newbie." Asher teased.

"Hey, I heard you have only been doing this for a year." I shot back.

Asher chuckled. "I have enough experience to get by."  He smirked.

"Let's get out of here." Alger said. The three of us ran off, leaving a group of tied up robbers and guns layed out in a pattern for the police to find.

Author's Note

I'm so sorry but I won't be able to post for the next two weeks because I am very busy and do not have the time. Thanks for reading and please vote!

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