The Blaze

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~Season eight of The Flash comes to Netflix on Thursday!

Chapter Four

I woke to unfamiliar surroundings. I heard the steady beeping of a heart monitor. Great. I was in a hospital.

"You're awake." A doctor next to me said. "You have a great friend who came to visit you while you were still unconscious each day."

"Yeah, Kayla is an amazing friend." I replied.

"No, it was the blonde boy who brought you here." She corrected me.

"Alger?" I asked. The doctor nodded. "How long was I out?"

"Two days." She responded.

"Oh no," I grabbed my phone on the counter next to me and checked the time. I was supposed to meet Alger in two hours. "I need to go." I said as I tried to climb out of bed.

"Not so fast." The doctor said as she pushed me back down. "You were hit hard." I looked at my shoulder to see it covered in bloody bandages. "We had to extract that from you." She nodded at a tray next to me.

I picked up a small vile. Inside, was the piece of stone that had gotten lodged in me. I looked closer. It didn't look like a piece of stone. Instead, it looked like a tiny electronic device.

I grabbed the vile and slipped it into my pocket. I would need to investigate this further.

I touched my shoulder. It didn't hurt. They must've had really good pain killers. I paused. None were that good. I should've felt something. I pulled back the bandages. My wound was completely healed. That was weird. There was no way it could have healed so fast.

I climbed out of bed. I changed into my clothes and headed out of the hospital.

A wave of nausea rolled over me. I ducked into the nearest ally. I really hoped I wasn't about to puke.

I looked down at my hands. They were shaking--no they were vibrating at a speed far faster than humanly possible.

I backed against the wall. I began to hyperventilate. I took a step forward. In the blink of an eye, I was clear across the alley.

"It's all okay, this is all perfectly normal." I told myself. Yeah right. "Just take deep breaths." I breathed in and out for several minutes until I calmed down. The strange phenomenon seemed to stop.

I stepped forward, and once again, I was across the alley. I felt my heart beating faster than ever, filled with... excitement? I had to try something. I ran. I ran as fast as I could. Buildings whipped past me at alarming speeds. I was running at hundreds of miles an hour! I felt the wind rush by and soaked it all in, finally feeling free.

I was seven the first time I ran away from the Hart's.  I had just moved in with them a few months ago. I had struggled, never wanting any parents besides my biological parents. I had hardly talked to them, and hardly ate a meal a day. I had just found out that they were going to adopt another child. Despite not wanting them at first, I was hurt.

I ran. I had no idea where I was going. I just ran, blinded by my own emotions.

Tears streamed down my face. I fell to my knees and furiously wiped them away. Why did they replace me? Did they not want me? Did they not love me?

I got up and continued to run. Running was the only way I could truly feel free.

I pulled away from the memory. Distracted, I tripped and tumbled a little ways before stopping.
Thankfully, I landed in a field in a park with no one in it so no one had seen that embarrassing fall.

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