Team Blaze

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~I will not be able to post a new chapter next week. I'm sorry.

Chapter five

It all made sense now. I could never figure out Alger's emotions because he had none!

"I'm so sorry. It must be hard to see people laughing and feeling joy." I said.

"It doesn't affect me." Alger brushed it off. "I don't feel jealousy or longing for it."

"Oh, right." I couldn't imagine what it was like to not feel emotions. At least he didn't feel the bad ones.

Alger's phone buzzed. "I'm needed at the lab." He said. "How would you like to come to the lab and meet my team?"

"I would love to." I said.

Alger extended his hand. I grabbed it and together we ran off at superspeed towards his lab.

• • •

"Your superhero headquarters is at L.U.N.A.R. labs!?" I was shocked.

Alger nodded.

"That's so schway!" L.U.N.A.R. labs had started a few years ago, then was shut down last year when someone had tried to recreate the Particle Accelerator. No one wanted another explosion that created meta humans.

"Shall we go in?" Alger asked.

"Yes!" I had always wanted to go to L.U.N.A.R. labs but it had been shut down before I had the chance.

"We'll meet with my team in the lounge." Alger informed me. I was excited to meet team Blaze, if that's what they called it.

Within a few minutes, I was seated comfortably in the lounge while I waited for Alger to gather the team.

"So you're the new speedster." A voice said. I looked up to see a young man about my age. He had warm, light brown skin and bright green eyes that stood out. He had a scar across his nose and his black hair was kept short and neat. He wore a light blue Hawaiian shirt with white floral patterns. "My name is Asher. Asher West."

"Hi, I'm uh, Phoebe Hart." I stumbled over my words. My heart fluttered. He looked about a year or two older than me. He had a relaxed Hawaiian vibe. He seemed generally friendly.

"Hello, Miss Hart. May I sit next to you?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said. He took a seat next to me. Before we could start a conversation, the rest of the team walked in.

I saw Alger and two other people I didn't know. There was a guy and a girl. The guy looked around my age. He had choppy black hair and dark blue eyes. He had red glasses with frames only on the bottom. He wore a plain white shirt and had silver headphones around his neck. I could tell he was nerdy, and probably good with tech.

The girl on the other hand looked sweet and caring. She had dark coffee brown skin and eyes. Her long black hair was pulled into a high ponytail. She wore pearl earrings and a white sweater with sunflowers on it. She looked older than the rest of us, and had a doctor's gauntlet.

"Phoebe, this is team Blaze. Team Blaze, this is Phoebe." Alger said.

"I voted for Team Quickstep," Asher said to my side. "Of course they went with Team Blaze instead."

"What's Quickstep?" I asked.

"Don't listen to him." The girl said. "It's his superhero name. He's another speedster."

I looked at Asher. "You're a speedster?" He nodded.

"I'm doctor Owens by the way." She added.

"And I'm Ian." The guy said. "I work with the technology and such. Owens is our doctor, and Asher and Alger are our superheros."

"That's a pretty small team." I noted.

"Yeah, after L.U.N.A.R labs shut down, everyone left. It was just me, Alger and Owners who decided to stick around. We didn't find Asher until last year." Ian told me.

"How long have you been a superhero?" I asked Alger.

"For about two years." He responded. "I didn't decide to be a superhero until a while after I discovered my powers. I got to know them better, but didn't feel like using them as a superhero. Then, I visited the Flash Museum in S.T.A.R. labs. I was inspired to use my powers like he did. I also discovered I was his descendent."

"Wow, that is seriously so schway!" I said. "Are all the speedsters related to the Flash?" I asked.

"No," Alger said. "Asher is related to Kid Flash. We'll have to run some tests to see who you're related to."

"You'll have to run those tests later." Ian said with worry in his voice. "According to this police report the satellite picked up, a gang is robbing a bank, and they've taken hostages."

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