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Hello everyone !!

So i have adopted this book from Captainisveryfruity. And i am very excited to continue this.

I'll try to updte as much as i can (which will hopefully be a lot as i alredy have lots of ideas for this book).

About my other books: I have kinda fallen out of the Harry Potter liking, but i am 100% sure that it will return soon so don't worry (it always returns). 

Now i hope you guys enjoy the book. I know i will, like, come on, it's a Legolas book, how can ya'll not enjoy it !!

Proper book description: 

You are Gimli's adopted brother. You and Gimli are summoned to the councel of elrond and end up in the fellowship.

But what happens when a certain elf  catches your interest, and you catch his ?  

The love of an elf (Legolas x M!Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat