Chapter 7

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(3rd POV)

The fellowship clamber through rock and snow. Frodo suddenly slips on some shale. He gets up quickly, not noticing yet that the ring has fallen on the ground. The ring gleams in the snow as Boromir picks it up by the chain. The ring dangles before him. 

(Y/N) is first to notice Boromir's strange behaviour. He walks towards him warily. Boromir stands motionless as he stares at the ring, as if transfixed. Aragorn seems to have followed my movement towards the man. (Y/N) puts a hand on his shoulder to bring him back to reality as Aragorn speaks. 

"Boromir?" Aragorn simply says. Trying to get the mans attention. 

"It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing...such a little thing." 

Barely  a second of silence before (Y/N) replies.

"Boromir you must give Frodo back the ring" he whispers. Aragorn's hand  slowly moving to hilt of his sword just in case. Boromir snaps out of his trance and hands Frodo back the ring. 

"As you wish. I care not" Boromir talks lightly, smiling, and ruffling Frodos hair. (Y/N) watches cautiously, still a bit suspicious of his current behaviour. Aragorn unhands his sword as  he continue walking ahead. 

(Time skip) (1st POV)

We struggle through a blinding blizzard towards the pass of caradhras. I watch as Legolas, with his elfish abilities, lightly moves across the top of the snow. I curse in my head, wishing i was full elf and not half, could make walking in the snow easier. 

Legolas suddenly pauses as he hears something.

"There is a fell voice in the air" Legolas says urgently.

"It's Saruman" Gandalf replies.0

Thunder rumbles in the sky. Rock and  shale falling from above.

Aragorn butts in suddenly "He's trying to bring down the mountain" Aragorn turns to the wizard "Gandalf! We must turn back!" He yells over the thundering.

"No!" Gandalf replies strictly, raising his staff as he chants into the wind.

"Losto Caradhras, sedho, hodo, nuitho I

ruith. Sleep Caradhras, be still,

 lie still, hold your wrath."

Boromir starts speaking "We must get off the mountain! Make for the gap of Rohan and take the West road to my city."

"Are you an idiot !?" I yell at Boromir "The Gap of Rohan takes us close to Isengard."

"I agree with the half-breed" Legolas also butts in. Having come down from the top of the mountain where he was standing. 

I stare at the elve. A bit offended and angry at what he had called me. But all he does is smirk at me before looking away, no regret in what he had said. The so called little respect i had for him was slowly disappearing. 

"We cannot pass over the mountain. Let us go under it. Let us go through the mines of Moria." Gimli also suddenly feels the need to step in and talk.

Silence passes all of us. No one dafring to speak another word.

"Let the ringbearer decide" Gandalf breaks the tension. We all turn towrds Frodo. Eagerly waiting a decision to be made. 

"Frodo?" Frodo meets Gandalf's eye. The gears obviously turning in Frodo's head.

"We will go through the mines."


YES I AM BACK!! I had a small emotional breakdown in the middle of writing as wattpad suddenly glitched and showed that the new chapter had nothing written. Eventualy i got everything back. Hope you enjoyed the new chapter. Promise more interesting chapters are coming <3

The love of an elf (Legolas x M!Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя