Chapter two

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"Strangers from distant lands friends of old".

You could already tell this was gonna be boring.

Gimli has talked about Elronds other meetings, and those stories have brought nothing but boringness to you.

"You've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor".

Or maybe it was gonna be really interesting.

"Middle earth stands upon the brink of destruction none can escape it. You will unite...or you will fall.

If he means that Gimli has to unite with elves, you've got another thing coming, he only puts up with me because I'm also half dwarf.

"Each race is bound to this fate...this one doom..."

He paused for what you assumed was dramatic affect and then said "bring forth the ring, Frodo"

Then a hobbit stood up from next to Gandalf, he was so small, how had he been able to withstand the ring of Sauron !?

"So it is true" one of the men said.

You raised your eyebrow but said nothing for now. Everyone stared at the ring for a minute until most of you looked away due to the fact that it was trying to capture you all into its wicked schemes.

"In a dream, I saw the eastern sky go dark, the west pale light lingering. A voice crying 'Your doom is near at hand. Isildur's Bane is found'".

You stifled a laugh and whispered to Gimli "why do we need to know about his wacky dreams?"

Gimli snorted a small laugh, but you both stopped when Elrond looked at you both with a raise of his perfect eyebrow.

Boromit then went to grab the ring.


Gandalf had stood up, everything started to go dark and shake:
"Ash Nazgûl durbatulûk,
  Ash Nazgûl gimbatul,
  Ash Nazgûl thrakatulûk
  Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul".

Black speech is what he spoke.

Gimli looked around, probably the most scared you have ever seen him.

Meanwhile Elrond face palmed at how chaotic this had become.

Finally everything went back to normal.

Elrond looked ready to slap Gandalf but instead he said "Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in imladris.

Gandalf uttered something you couldn't understand before sitting back down.
This was gonna be a fun council meeting after all.

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