Chapter one

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"Gimli, just admit it. We're lost" you said from atop of your horse. 

You and Gimli were trying to find your way to Rivendell, it was harder than it seemed for you two have been wandering mindlessly for the past 10 minutes. 

"NO! No. We aren't lost...we...we just took a wrong turn, that't it" he insisted. 

You looked towards the other dwarfs that accompanied you to Rivendell, but all they did was shrug. 

While Gimli was muttering to himself and checking the map, you heard a strange noise. 

"Gimli! Quiet!" You said as you heard the noise coming closer and closer. 

"What? Why? What've those weird elf ears of yours hear?" he asked, picking up his axe just in case something was to pull a suprise attack. 

As the noise got closer and closer you quickly grabbed your (Preffered weapon). 

Suddenly you saw a group of elves race by you on their horses.

"How about we follow the elves?" you asked, not trusting your brother and his map anymore. 

Gimli sighed and grumbled a quiet "Fine..."

(Time skip brought to you by Legolas' faboulus hair)

Eventualy you and your group arrived at Rivendell. It is your first time in Rivendell and you are taken aback by it's beauty. It's as beutiufl as your home place, the glittering caves. 

You got off your horse and took a big spin to look at eveything around you.  

You stopped when you saw the group of elves that you had followed. They were mesmerizing. The beautiful long hair, and the way they walked, the way they spoke. 

"We should find Elrond" you said while still staring at the elves.

"Indeed, but you'll have to take your eyes off the elves first" your brother said. That snapped you out of the trans that you were put into by the elves.

You rolled your eyes and said "Oh give up", and then walked ahead to find Elrond.


Eventually you had found him.

"Ah! (Y/N) and Gimli, sons of glóin, welcome to Imladris" Elrond said, as he welcome you and your brother. A friendly, yet small smile, present on his face.

Whereas the elf next to him, Lindir, looked less welcoming, the poor elf was still traumatized from the company's visit.

"Thank you Lord Elrond, we were wondering when the meeting begins?" you spoke as Gimli had a glaring competition with Lindir.

"Ah, that starts at noon. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some mtters to attend to" he smiled before walking towards the medical wing.

Lindir followed him, leaving you and Gimli alone. 

"Would you please stop glaring at that elf !?" you chuckled.

"Why? He glared at me first!"

"Yeah, father said he was offended when they took a bath in the fountain" you laughed.

Gimli then started lughing along side you. 

These were the moments you would soon learn to cherish.

For something big was coming.


First chapter copied. Still have 7 more to copy. But im enjoying it. I already added some extra words and 2 or 3 more scentences. Thank you again to the old author of this book for the opportunity :D

The love of an elf (Legolas x M!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora