Chapter Three: Fuzzy Feeling

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Or at least, most of it they witnessed.

Winter oddly bore no snow for Taehyun's birthday and he was called out by Yeonjun on a cold evening. Beomgyu tagged along with a hidden (but nothing harmful) agenda to befriend Taehyun, but it didn't play as it was supposed to.

"Oh, you," Sensitive was never an adjective to describe him, but Beomgyu's shoulders physically sunk when he heard the disappointment in Taehyun's tone. His face looked unfazed, contrary to the firing color of his bright red hair, and Beomgyu didn't know what to respond besides reaching out his hand occupied by a baby blue paper bag. "Where's Yeonjun hyung?"

"He left to get his boyfriend from the train station. I heard it was urgent, so he asked me to wait for you," Beomgyu said, making sure each word was sure. "Anyway, here's egg tarts. Yeonjun hyung said it's your favorite."

Beomgyu was too ashamed to mention, but Taehyun was yet to grab the blue paper bag from his hold. His hand was still outstretched and he thought the frigid air had frozen his joints for staying still for too long. "My arms are getting tired," He mused.

Taehyun thankfully took the hint and accepted the gift after what it felt like eternity. "You should've gone home."

"But then you'll be waiting here for hyung."

"That's far from your concern."

He was blunt—Beomgyu learned that now. There's not even a hint of appreciation in what he's saying and acting that it pushed Beomgyu into a void of shame. He can't even reply.

"Go home, Beomgyu," Taehyun deadpan. He turned on his heels without wasting another second, depriving Beomgyu one last glance before he left.

"Wait!" Beomgyu almost fell on his knees when Taehyun stopped on his tracks. "Happy birthday and see you tomorrow!"


If it weren't for the fact that Beomgyu was out in the open sky, he would have jumped in joy. His stomach churns, insides feeling fuzzy like champagne—all because Taehyun, who seemed to always have woken up on the wrong side of the bed when talking to him, remembers his name.

And no, it wasn't a dream. Proven when it rolled of Taehyun's tongue again in one fateful meeting with soft mittens and scarves wrapped around their skin.

"Beomgyu?" Taehyun's breath hitch in the cold, the night holding no snow but blowing freezing air once again. "What are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same question," Beomgyu said, smiling. The displeased look on the other's face, however, made him drop the playfulness. "I was just walking by."

"In the school? At this hour?"

"Why are you here, then?"

Beomgyu made long strides to where a white line intersects another on the field—obviously for a balanced division during games students play for their Physical Education subject. It didn't look the same at night, but Beomgyu was used to the tranquility it brings when it's not busy with activities. After all, it's not the first time he would go home this late from work—he wouldn't tell Taehyun that though.

"Doing something important," Taehyun sighed, demeanor unfamiliar when he found himself walking to where Beomgyu stood. "Are you going to stay? Because if you will, I'll leave."

"Still as blunt as always," Beomgyu whispered, words only meant for his ears to catch. "I'll be on my way then. Good night."

"Good night," The other whispered back as he sank his face deeper into the scarf.

A dumb smile never left Beomgyu's lips as he waddled his way off the field. He thought it was wistful thinking, but he clearly heard Taehyun bid him a pleasant night back.

It was progress. Baby steps that Beomgyu is glad to count.

He allowed himself one last glance of Taehyun's figure when he got a tad bit further than where he was, turning to see the scarlet head laying on his back against the grass.

Taehyun must like watching the stars.

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