Chapter Ten: Certainty

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Amidst a thousand doubts is a missed certainty. The night in the field, after the wedding in spring, was a moment Beomgyu could barely remember—a moment he failed to understand.

Under countless stars, Taehyun held Beomgyu's hand tight. They sat side-by-side, eyes locked to the sky, and both unaware of each other's accelerated hearts—Taehyun laid on the grass and pulled their intertwined fingers with him.

"Taehyun, are they beautiful?"

"They're always beautiful, even the ones that are not falling."

Beomgyu sighed, regretting his decision to wear his contact lenses instead of his glasses. Maybe he wouldn't need to rely on Taehyun's words if he just tucked them in his coat before he closed his apartment door. "But what's so special about this?"

"They're falling," Taehyun dragged further, but he lost to his own game when Beomgyu tried taking his hand away. "I'm telling the truth."

"You're giving me vague answers."

"Did I upset you?" Beomgyu giggled silly at Taehyun's question. "Well, falling stars are still stars. They're all beautiful and special."

Beomgyu turned to face Taehyun with furrowed brows. "They're meteors."

"Okay, astronomer."

"I'm telling the truth," Beomgyu stuck his tongue out—Taehyun's games backfiring. "I was never fond of them, but somehow you made me see them the way you do."

"Will you watch multiple shooting stars with me?"

Beomgyu scoots closer, face nuzzling Taehyun's neck; his heart in his sleeve. "As long as you keep telling me about them."

There's only so much Taehyun can say. "I wonder a lot."

"Do you wonder why they fall?"

"I wonder how they fall. Besides gravity, it fascinates me how they fall precisely at the right moment. Like they were waiting."

"Waiting to fall?"

Taehyun nods, unconsciously gazing his skin on Beomgyu's tucked face on his body. "To fall without any doubts."

"Falling with certainty—it's beautiful."

"That's why it struck something in me," Taehyun whispered, and he moved to face Beomgyu with fond eyes. "I must be a personification of a fall so beautiful."

Beomgyu scrunched his nose. "That's kinda odd. Are you saying you fell at the right time?"

To that, Taehyun nods like he's been waiting to do that for eternity. "For the most beautiful sky."

Beomgyu didn't know why that answer rendered him breathless when it's as ambiguous as it can get. "It sucks that I can't see them."

Taehyun took the chance to look at their hands connecting both of them, mirroring an expression he would wear when he looks at the sky. "You don't have to. You just need to see the most important ones."

"And what's that?"

"The stars that fall for you."

And despite the lines drawn to disappear across the vastness of the darkest skies, Beomgyu couldn't find them worthy of the view he would have given them earlier. Instead he waits, he waits for the perfect time until he caught the perfect star holding the entire universe in his eyes.

Beomgyu sees Taehyun, and he wished that shooting stars didn't have to burn to dust before they could land on where they should have.


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