Chapter Four: Glimmer in Wonder

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Taehyun loves watching the stars.

And Beomgyu is probably more aware of that than Taehyun is.

"Sometimes I think they see and know more than I ever will," Taehyun replied to what Beomgyu retorted about the stars that watched over them unconditionally.

Beomgyu deems it adorable—Taehyun's fascination with the jewels twinkling brightly in the night sky. The way his eyes glimmer in wonder, Beomgyu questions if he knew that it's a breathtaking sight. He sparks beauty in what transpires to be frivolous as watching unreachable lights, and turns it into something profound. Like looking at a kaleidoscope, but it's the night sky. It's not what it truly is, but watching through the eyes of Taehyun, it's all that it ever was.

"Do you think it's true? What you said, that the shooting stars are people's souls crossing to the afterlife?" Beomgyu asked with curiosity.

Taehyun pulled back to lie on his back, and Beomgyu mirrored the action in a heartbeat. "I want to believe that it's true. Like a final farewell for those left behind."

"Then, I'll believe it, too."

That made the other breathe a quiet laugh, maintaining a placid environment. Beomgyu didn't exactly know what part about the genuine mumble kicked something in Taehyun, but it sent waves of heat to the tips of his ears. "You don't have to believe everything I believe, you know?"

"But I always end up doing so."

"You like me too much, hyung," Taehyun teased, unaware of his effect on Beomgyu. It starts a ripple from the older one's heart and to his ears, the beating getting louder as seconds pass.

Beomgyu hummed in adoration. "You know everything about me."

"I don't," The smile on Taehyun's lips never faltered, but there's a solemn look on his face that Beomgyu couldn't explain. "People and stars aren't very different—we only know them well enough, but there's a myriad more that we're unaware of."

Beomgyu could barely hold his breath. He knew about the vast distance between him and the lights he found himself enjoying to watch. Ever stretching, never ending; that no amount of researchers or rockets can ever answer all the questions about them when there's so much more. So much more to learn about.

Beomgyu wonders if Taehyun is like that—if he's a contribution to enthralling mysteries that no amount of effort can suffice to solve.

And if Beomgyu will ever discover what lies beyond a man who's fond of the stars in a single knock on his locked door.

"Maybe we are," Beomgyu murmured, albeit his obscure mind. "And maybe we don't have to know everything to find them beautiful."

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