Chapter Six: Birthday

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"Egg tarts taste weird," Beomgyu complained, but somehow spent time on his birthday eating the dessert.

"You're the one who insisted on eating them with me," A smile—Taehyun said with a wide smile, and Beomgyu felt his lips curve as well.

Beomgyu grits his teeth as his face flush for a moment without a reason before he takes another bite of the remaining egg tart on his hand. "They're your favorite, so I had to try them. But I'm a tad bit disappointed it doesn't taste as good as you make it seem."

"They're not my favorite."

"Yeonjun hyung said they are."

"Not everything Yeonjun hyung knows, Beomgyu hyung."

Beomgyu hyung.

A week had passed since they became friends and it still sounded foreign in Beomgyu's ears. Eye rolls and (somewhat) rude remarks Taehyun used to throw at him are now exchanged with giggles and jokes—how is he supposed to process everything in just a short period of time? Taehyun's laugh can be enough to keep his mind occupied for at least three days.

"Why do you eat them, then?" Beomgyu questions with curiosity. His eyes rounding up like saucers in anticipation.

It all went in vain, however, when Taehyun shook his head in dismissal. "Reasons. Just things I vaguely remember now."

Beomgyu decides not to prod further. Pliant nodding because that's how it always goes: him holding back inquisition, patiently waiting for the day Taehyun would eventually open up fully.

A wide door opened for him to walk in with ease, and not a door left slightly ajar for him to peek in.

"Anyway, we're eating out with Yeonjun hyung and his boyfriend, Soobin hyung," Beomgyu resorts to changing the topic.


"You're going with me because I don't want to be a third-wheel," Beomgyu explains. "Plus, it's my birthday today. We'll have dinner and we'll go skating."

That benefitted Beomgyu a joyful chuckle from Taehyun. "You got it all planned. What if I have something else going on tonight?"

"You'll have to cancel it since it's my birthday," Beomgyu sings like an excited bird, maybe like how Toto would sound when he's about to eat, but quickly deflated on his seat when he thought about what Taehyun said a little bit more. "You don't actually have anything planned, right?"

All was put to relief when Taehyun shook his head. "Not tonight, but since we're at it, can I take you out as well?"

God, Taehyun should be wary of his words. He almost made Beomgyu choke on his rice as soon as he asked the question.

"I don't—where?" Beomgyu stammered in his speech.

"An event I'm invited to. They required me to bring a plus one, and I'd like it if it's you."

"Oh, uhm."

"Mid-may," Taehyun informed. "Dress formally because it's kind of a big event."

"What is this event specifically?"

"A wedding," Taehyun showed his perfect teeth for a wide smile while Beomgyu could only hold his breath as time ran swiftly like the wind of March thirteen.

He couldn't help but feel triumphant for the fact that he's starting to take part in important happenings in Taehyun's life—but with prudence, he reminds himself not to think too much of the chaste invitation.

"Okay. So, you're good with skating?"

That night, Taehyun sat beside Beomgyu like a soothing song as they met Yeonjun and Soobin (finally); sneering in every joke and teasing their older workmate throws, but leaving a lingering smile on their lips whenever they're told that they looked good together.

And as for what happened in the ice skating rink—it's safe to say that the feeling of their fingers intertwining perfectly is forever etched in Beomgyu's memories.

the stars that fall for you | taegyuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora