Chapter 4: The Body

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(Hawkins High where we see Nancy & Steve talking outside.)

Steve: So, wait a sec. I don't understand. You and (Y/N) went back to my house?

Nancy: To look for Barb.

Steve: Yeah, okay, but why didn't you just talk to me? That's crazy.

Nancy: I don't know, I...I was scared.

Steve: Not scared enough to have (Y/N) tag along with you. [sighs] You seriously think you saw a guy in a mask just hanging out in my yard?

Nancy: I don't think it was a mask.

Steve: But he had no face?

Nancy: I don't know! I don't know, I just...I have a terrible feeling about this.

Steve: Oh, this is bad. This is really bad.

Nancy: What?

Steve: The cops...they're gonna want to talk to all of us now. Tommy, Carol, (Y/N). Everybody who was at the party.

Nancy: So?

Steve: My parents are gonna murder me!

Nancy: Are you serious right now?

Steve: You don't understand. My dad's a grade-A asshole.

Nancy: Barb is missing! And you're about your dad?

Steve: Okay, just...When you talk to the cops, just...don't mention the beers. It's just gonna get us both in trouble, and Barbara's got nothing to do with it, okay?

Nancy: [scoffs] I can't believe you right now.

(She starts walking away from him.)

Nancy: I can't believe you.

Steve: Nancy. Nancy, wait! Nancy!

(Cut to an English class where Nancy is staring off to the side while Y/N is having thoughts of his own.)

(Y/N's thoughts): First the Byers kid and now Barbara.

(Y/N): [sighs]

(Y/N's thoughts): How could I let this happen? Some...thing taking people in my territory. I've grown lazy. Complacent. I've got to step up my patrols. And with some luck, I may run into whatever this thing is and put it dow--

(The principal walks into the classroom they're in.)

Principal: Nancy Wheeler? (Y/N) O'Connell?

(They look at her.)

Principal: If the two of you could come with me, please?

(Cut to the cafeteria where we see Nancy with her mother, being interrogated by Officers Callahan & Powell.)

Powell: This argument you and Barbara had? What exactly was it about?

Nancy: It wasn't really an argument. Barb just wanted to leave. I didn't, so, I...I told her to just go home.

Powell: Then what?

Nancy: Then I went upstairs to put on some dry clothes.

Powell: And the next day, you went back and...saw a bear, you're thinking?

Nancy: I don't know what it was, but...I think...I think maybe it took Barb. You need to check behind Steve's house--

Callahan: We did. There's nothing there. There's no sign of a bear.

Powell: And no car.

Nancy: What? (Y/N) will tell you the same thing.

Callahan: We plan to ask him about that night once we're done with you. We figure that Barbara came back last night and then she took off, went somewhere else.

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