O Magic, Where Art Thou - Three

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I tried to draw Hunter but I don't like it

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I tried to draw Hunter but I don't like it. I was trying something new and I kinda wish I did it a different way. I'll redraw it later, you'll probably see it next chapter. Maybe not.
It mainly looks weird in his face and I hate it.
Also, I can't draw backgrounds or feet?????
Also, I've never drawn hands so beautiful in my life.
Yes my signature is Supway it's short for supreme and subway because I didn't wanna put subway and get sued, might change it next time tho thx

I sighed walking down the path without energy, don't get me wrong I love this path it leads to my favorite place in the world! It's just been a stressful couple of days, school not helping. I sauntered into the clearing, laying on the blanket next to the pond as I always do first thing. The calmness washed over me and I enjoyed the feeling of the green grass, the sun on my back, the sight of the ants marching in a line towards the pond, the fish quietly swimming, the warm breeze, Hunter yelling- I sat up in confusion. Hunter yelling?

"Y/n! Y/n! You're back! I thought you left me for good, haha! You wouldn't do that, you helped me...! I knew you wouldn't disappear! Look, I read some books about human animals! Did you know cows say moo? Cool, right!?" He was climbing down the ladder while talking, rambling loudly. Once he made his way to me he showed me a book for kindergarteners called 'The wonderful sounds of nature. It was basically: 'cats go meow, dogs go ruff, cows go moo.' Simple stuff for kids to get a grip on reading, I only had it because it came in the bookshelf. I laughed, pulling out my phone. "Wow, you're just like a child." He seemed taken aback. "I am not a child, I am Sixteen!" I snorted. "I'm a hundred and sixteen, so yeah you're a child." I could see the gears turning in his head, he squinted at me. "I thought humans couldn't live that long? You look around my age so I assumed-" I began to laugh, looking at Hunter and pulling him to sit next to me. "Dude, relax. It was a joke, you know something people say that's not taken seriously and used for a laugh? Normal human things." He was surprised that I pulled him down but decided not to speak on it, peeking at my phone instead. "Yeah, Yeah. Normal human thing. I get it. Totally. Is that your scroll? I have one too!" He pulled out this piece of paper with a strange faint purple glow, when he opened it nothing was inside. He shook it aggressively, staring with confusion. "Why doesn't it work?" I sighed rubbing my head as he seems to realize something. "...No magic means... I have no contact with the captain, or the rest of the entrails, or even the human! I truly am stuck here... Alone." I internally face palmed at this kid's mood swings, has he never felt emotions before? He held his face forgetting I was right next to him, though when I reached over to awkwardly pat him on the back he snapped up turning away. "Uh, you're not alone. You're living in my Paradise, where you'll always have good ol' reliable Y/n. Besides, didn't you want to 'become a human' to get away from all that cultist magic mumbo jumbo?" When I didn't get a response I scooted up behind him, reaching up towards his hair causing him to flinch and glance at me. "...what are you doing?" He spoke quietly, I shushed him still. "It's calming, you'll feel better." He turned forward again, slightly leaning into my hands which I took as permission to play with his hair.
"My (Least favorite Guardian) is making me stay with one of their friends, whose daughter is at camp, for a bit. Starting today. She's two years younger than us, I think... Liz? Luz? I don't know. Liz's twin sister who was living with her aunt came down to visit. Her name is Vee if I'm correct? I don't know I've never been good at names. Why do you think I call you Aurora? Hah." I laugh a little but when he stayed silent I felt awkward. "Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. So you wouldn't be alone while I'm gone?" The moment I mentioned the kid's name, Hunter tensed up. It was silent for a good second so I began to hum, continuing to work on his hair. He seemed calmer but still not at ease, whispering something to me. "Captor- Uh, Y/n. What if you followed someone all your life even though they were doing bad things, horrible things. They assured you they were doing right and you believed them because if you were wrong you'd have nothing and no purpose? In some twisted way, you cared about them because they were your only family. In doing that you hurt someone innocent, who's only ever wanted to help you. You've helped ruin their life and then you find out everything you thought was true was a lie and they were your only family just because they were the one who killed the other members! You find out your entire experience is fake and your nothing but a replacement for someone they murdered! You're not even a real being! You're made from some crappy spell! Now, you're relaxing with someone who's kept you safe even when suspecting you of trying to do something to them as you feel sorry for yourself when you should be finding ways to fix things! The person you hurt has to live with that every day and can't go home! Now, you have the chance to visit their home where someone you've also hurt by hurting the other person but they don't know it was you, is."

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