Knock, Knock, Knockin' on the librarys Door - Sℹx

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I opened the front door shutting it quietly behind me, dressed in my usual attire. I noticed the couch was back to normal and a dull conversation could be heard from the kitchen. I went in to notice miss Noceda cooking while Vee and Hunter conversate all still in pajamas, Camila butting in sometimes to ask or answer a question. "So, Y/n knows?" Vee asked, tilting her head. Hunter rubbed his arms one of his many nervous traits. "I've told them a lot about it, but they don't seem to believe me or just don't get it." Vee nods in consideration and Miss turns her head to them silently, barely peeking over her shoulder. "So, they don't know? Ay dios mío..." Luz's supposed twin speaks up, rubbing her chin in thought. "Understandably, someone like Y/n wouldn't believe in the demon realm, all a humans life their told magic isn't real and it's all a fantasy. Just as Luz was." Miss flinched slightly. "Plus, with someone like (Guardian)-" I step into the kitchen, whistling loudly as if I just got here. I placed a stack of clothes on the table which I had carried in, the golden item on top shimmering. Hunter stared wide-eyed, mouth agape. "I went back to the treehouse and grabbed some clothes for Huntsman," My smile was nervous and my demeanor erratic, which only off put Hunter more. I just didn't want to hear about (Guardian) right now and I didn't want Hunter to either. "I found this little dingy by the lake where Hunts washed up. Cool right? It looks awesome!" I held up the golden owl-like mask, admiring the shimmering in the light. Both Vee and Hunter looked like they were going to throw up, Hunter grabbed it from me and began looking around. "No! It's ugly! It's also really bad, you shouldn't like it! In fact; hate it!" I stepped back confused as he stuffed it somewhere, not paying attention to where, I stuttered out a hesitant response looking him up and down. "O- Okay- well- um-" The awkward air began to become overwhelmingly suffocating as we three stared at each other. Just as it almost began to almost physically hurt, Miss Noceda turned to us with plates beckoning me to sit at the table. I did and we all began to eat, still silent. "Y/n, Hunter informed me you two wished to visit the library later today?" I nodded quickly swallowing my mouth full. "Yup!" I put on a typical Y/n smile, something I was good at doing. Hiding emotions. "At this rate, I'm starting to kinda like Aurora." He looked deflated, blinking sadly. "You said we were friends?" I chuckle slightly, looking his way. "Hun, It was sarcasm." He sits up; looking away defensively and clearing his throat. "I knew that." I chuckle as Vee and Miss Noceda conversate in the background. He slowly looks my way again, beginning to pick at his eggs and bacon. "I heard- humans give nicknames to those they care about... So I assumed that you- because ever since we met-" An embarrassed red shade-filled his ear tips as they slightly pointed down, I smiled adoringly. "Hunts, it's cool. We're friends. Pretty good friends." He relaxed and nodded, going back to eating.


My shoes made scratching noises as we walked, filling me with satisfaction. Hunter has his hands in his pockets, looking at the floor. "Y/n, I've never been close to many people. I'm sorta confused on how to act- the person I was close to before wasn't- didn't care about me. He did? I think... No- No, he didn't." He seemed to be convincing himself more than me. "I just wanted you to know, I- care about you too." I snicker, leaning against him with a playful smile. "Awww, Hunts. You love me~!" He tensed up, shoving me off slightly as I laughed. His ears were slightly red and he seemed annoyed now. "Ew, no." I put my hands in my jacket pockets. "There's my sarcastic buddy, I was worried you've become a nervous softie." He huffed, grumbling slightly mocking me under his breath. "Eeeehhh, Hunter... Softie. Pfft, as if." I looked at the crunchy rocks we walked upon, noticing something bright red out of the corner of my eye. "Oh, look!" I stuck my arm out, Hunter ran into it with a yelp. I plucked the red feather from the ground, it had a blackish-brown tipping to it and seemed almost somewhat wooden. "A cardinal Feather!" Hunter looked at it with shock and a slight longing; reaching for it, he took it delicately in his hands. He held a somewhat saddened expression as he stared down at the soft object in his palms. "I think im starting to get used to this life, at first it was stressful; like really stressful. But, now it's kind of calming. I'm happy I met you, Y/n." A gushy smile falls onto my face as I awe at Hunter. "I knew you were a softie now!" He muttered non-sense pushing me away when I attempted to hug him, though he did place the cardinal feather behind my ear and continue walking. "No, I'm just- leaving behind the old Hunter." I watched him walk into the morning dew as pride developed in my chest, my smile getting way bigger as I bounced to catch up with him. "Yeah. We all are." I remembered how life was before I met him and compared it now and I'd never trade it for the world. My paradise is only paradise when it's enjoyable and if he left I don't think it would be anymore, I would look out upon my meadow and feel glum remembering all the fun we had.

Also, Hunter is finally growing up! He got all the major freakouts out in the beginning chapters ig lmao
Idk if you can tell but im trying to steer this book away from all the things I hate because that's what it's slowly turning into

❝𝙼𝚢 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚎 𝙸𝚜 𝙼𝚎𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞.❞Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ