Chapter two

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Not so surprisingly, Harry was once again reading a romance book in his room. As he lay on the bed, his one leg was dangling in the air as it rested on his other leg's knee, and his arms were stretched in the air to keep the book from falling on top of his head.

His eyes moved from the left to the right as they skimmed the letters on the worn-out pages, the book having been read multiple times before. Harry didn't get to buy many books, so he read the books he did have as many times as possible, and somehow they didn't bore him. The books had a special place in his heart and probably will for eternity.

The thing is, Harry's family wasn't wealthy, to say the least. Sure, they had enough money to put food on the table and to buy rent, the things that were essential, but they couldn't afford a lot of luxurious things. This caused Harry to have only ten books even though reading is his favorite thing to do. The boy doesn't complain, however, and is grateful for what he gets, loving the literary works he does have.

Harry can faintly hear the doorbell downstairs, but he doesn't budge. He continues devouring the letters on the pages that are held back by his thumbs, seconds after already forgetting that he heard a sound such as a ring of the doorbell. It doesn't matter too much though, because Harry's whole family is home, so the person behind the door won't have to wait.

His eyes finally slip from his book when he hears quite loud voices downstairs, one of them belonging to Gemma who doesn't seem too happy, and not long later he can hear footsteps coming up the stairs. He can hear his sister yell something again, but it's not at a volume that Harry can define what's being said.

His book falls on top of his head when he suddenly sees his door open with a loud bang and a bunch of cameras pointed toward his face. He groans because of the impact the 500 pages book gives, quite heavy to have to fall on someone's head, and Harry knows that it will probably bruise.

Quickly removing the object from his head so he can see again, he looks over to the men that have barged into his room unannounced. Harry's eyes are filled with surprise, but mostly embarrassment and fear. He doesn't like the fact that the cameras can capture every single detail of his room from his Louis posters to his pride flag, so his cheeks heat up as he scrambles backward until his back hits the wall.

The cameras suddenly move more toward him and Harry still doesn't know what's happening and therefore pulls his knees toward his chest, making himself as small as possible. When the men start to laugh, he relaxes slightly. It doesn't sound like an evil laugh, so Harry shouldn't be in danger at least, but it does make him want to sink through the ground and disappear from the ends of the earth because of all the uncomfortable and ashamed he feels.

"This is our future prince and king everyone!" A man suddenly steps forward until he's standing in front of the cameras, smiling brightly and showing his pearly white teeth. "I see that we might have taken him by surprise!" He turns toward Harry and shows him his perfect set of white teeth, making the boy on the bed shiver. "So, Harry Styles, do you know why we're here?"

Harry's hands shake as he slowly starts to put the puzzle pieces together. Future prince? Future king? He can't fully grasp it, however, so his shaky voice is heard in the small room. "H-how do you know my name? And no, I don't know what you're doing here."

The man laughs as if he has just heard the most hilarious joke ever and Harry's eyebrows shoot up because of the rumble coming from the man's chest. The man slowly quiets down, taking in a deep breath. "Do you remember the test that you took about two weeks ago?"

Now, Harry finally understands what's going on and his mouth falls open in realization. "I-I'm the Prince's s-soulmate?" He stammers out, not believing the words that have just left his lips.

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