Chapter thirteen

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For about a month the somber cloud keeps floating around the castle. Everyone is silently mourning or talking about how sad it is that the King has passed, but no matter with what method people grieved, it was done one way or another.

Harry also was one of these people, but he mainly focused on the people that took the news the hardest and tried to console them as much as he could. Louis especially Harry had to embrace in his arms in bed so the Prince could fall asleep as he silently cried. The night after the funeral was probably the hardest one of all.

The funeral in general was a hard blow for all the people that lived in the castle. The throne room was packed with staff members, family members, and friends who all knew the King as the casket was lowered and music Mark loved played softly in the room.

He doesn't know how, but somehow the whole Royal Family managed to keep a straight face and not burst into tears during the ceremony. Maybe, all their tears had run out the days before and there was no water left to stream out of their eyes, but most likely they just had to keep their facade going like they always had. A poker face and a perfect image were key.

The whole facade Louis had, dropped after the funeral and the mask lifted off his face. He showed Harry all his pain, all the grief, and everything he couldn't let out while they were in public. Harry was there the whole time to softly stroke Louis' soft skin and comfort him when the Prince craved it.

But now, there is no time to lament anymore. Because the past King has fallen, the throne has to be filled again and Louis was the man who was going to take over that job.

Harry could see that Louis was terrified of that change. Sure, he always knew that this was what his future would look like someday, but the Prince always figured that it was many years away. Everyone thought that would be the case. Things took a huge turn, though, and now Louis had to stand strong and do the best he could for his country by fulfilling his duty.

One time when they were laying in bed, Louis had admitted that he believed he and Harry had more time. He told him about the talk he had with his parents and about the promise his father made that he had three years to get to know his soulmate before they had to get married.

Sadly, the promise couldn't be gratified. Of course, it was nobody's fault that this was the situation for them right now, but it felt really unfair to the couple. They had only known each other for two months for god's sake and now they had to get married so soon? Things should have been better in the twenty-first century but this clearly wasn't the case.

Louis always shrugged, however, telling Harry that he knew that these sacrifices would have to be made by him someday. Sure, the Prince didn't expect this to be the oblation he had to make, but still, he was ready for something like this to happen.

For Harry, it was a big adjustment though. It all happened really fast for the commoner - meeting his soulmate, getting used to the fact that one day he would be a king, the pressure to reduce offspring, and marrying so soon to somebody he barely knew. Sure, he knew that Louis was the one, but they hadn't even popped the words 'I love you' yet, and still they had to get married for the sake of the Kingdom. It was crazy in Harry's opinion.

He was lucky to have Louis, that was for sure. The Prince always knew what to say when Harry struggled with the position he is now in and he always felt a lot more content and reassured after Louis talked to him. His soon-to-be husband of course had a lot more experience and Harry was glad that he could learn everything the Prince knew.

But now, the day of the marriage was finally here. Harry was trembling like a leaf in the room he was assigned to get ready in, and he stared into the mirror for a long time. His eyes slowly traveled over his appearance, taking every single detail in, and he tried to feel confident in the clothes he was wearing, but the nerves of having his wedding on national television caused him to not feel good in his skin for the moment.

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