Chapter eight

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Harry is already reading his second book now. This time, it's a fantasy book about a boy and a girl discovering a new world. Of course, there's also romance in it, which Harry loves, and he's practically swallowing the book whole with how quickly he consumes the amazing story.

He's feeling better for sure. The day before, after he left Louis' sisters and the Prince himself, he had a nice lesson with the King again. He loves learning about the country and knowing that one day maybe he can make a difference and be a good leader for all the amazing people living in England.

Mark also told him that the country was one of the strongest in the whole world. He revealed the secret which apparently was the soulmate test itself, which is why the tradition is still alive.

The test warrants that the couple who holds power loves each other and is inseparable, making the leaders a strong duo. Also, because of the test, most of the time a not-royal turns out to be the one for the Prince or Princess, ensuring that there is a lot of diversity among the rulers. Because of the fresh meat, the kingdom has become stronger because the commoners always manage to know more about normal life and therefore can help the country to become even stronger than it already is.

Harry was fascinated by the story and is glad that maybe he can help the country become even greater than it is today. He promises himself and the citizens, even though they don't know that he did this, that he'll try to do the best he can.

Harry still deserves some rest, however. The lessons cost him a lot of his time and energy and don't get him wrong, he's more than happy to put this effort into them, but he's still human and also deserves some relaxation once in a while.

So now, his legs are stretched in front of him, the soles of his shoes resting on a pouf. His usual good posture is not present in the slightest because he's sacked into the reading chair as his eyes skim the pages of his book. As he breaths, his chest moves up and down in slow motions, his mind and body completely coming to rest after the long day the day before.

Harry's sure that today will be another hectic day, so he tries to take as much time for himself as he can get now before Mark comes to retrieve him for a lesson.

When he hears footsteps coming through the door moments later, he figures that that is the King finding it a suitable time for him to join him in his office, but when he looks up to see who has joined him in the library, he sees the Prince coming his way.

"Hi, Louis." Harry decides to greet him, moving his bum back in the chair so he's sitting straight again and he gives the Prince a charming smile. "What are you doing here on this early morning? Do you want to read as well?"

Louis smiles back and Harry can't help but be relieved. Sure, they decided that they would be amicable toward each other from now on, but actually seeing that the Prince is keeping his end from this promise, reassures Harry a lot.

"Well, I do love to read actually, but that's now why I'm here." Louis walks toward him before taking a seat on the pouf which Harry's feet have now left, causing it to be available for the one who has decided to keep him company.

Harry is curious about two things. One, what Louis likes to read, and two, why he's here. He decides to ask his first question first, only to get no comment. Louis merely stands up and walks away.

He can't help but wonder if he has offended the man in some way. Harry can't find something he did wrong, though, other than maybe asking a personal question, but he has done that before and then the Prince always answered.

When he sees Louis come back with a book in his hands, however, he understands why he did not get an audible response.

The book is handed to him and Harry curiously looks at it, his green eyes moving over the beautiful design. It looks older than the other books, more damaged... It reminds him of his own books, actually. He figures that Louis must really like the book and that he must have read it more than once.

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