Chapter eighteen

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I can't believe that this is the final chapter!

Thank you if you've come this far with reading! I hope you enjoyed it!

Before I officially start this chapter, I want to thank some people who have supported me. Firstly, the one who has been reading this story from the start and has also made this cover. You know who you are. Secondly, the one who has been reading my books ever since I mentioned I'm a writer. Lastly, of course, you lot, because without your support I wouldn't have the motivation to update every single week. I love you all!

Xxx S

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Instead of drawing their attention to the wedding, something Harry immediately had started doing, they decide that the first and foremost important step was to find a surrogate.

That was where everyone had started speculating about after all. What the Kingdom desperately wanted to have. The topic no one seemed to be able to conspire about.

And besides, they also needed to know when the baby would arrive before they could start planning their wedding. It did feel a little bit weird and useless, after all, to start to work out their wedding without even knowing which date they were aiming for.

So, the next day, after having snuggled the whole day before, the couple feels ready to face the music. They grab their shared laptop, snuggle close to each other on one of the couches in the family room, and get to work.

Dozens of women can be found who are surrogates, making the job to find a suitable one even harder for Louis and Harry. They wanted the best of the best, and if possible someone who had some of the features Harry had to make the baby feel a little bit more like their biological one. Sure, Harry wouldn't have cared if their child would look like a potato, he would still cherish it every day, but he would like to maybe find out what their baby would look like if he was able to get pregnant.

This small detail - that the women had to have green eyes and curly brown hair - made the search a little bit easier. The women who didn't fall in the category they had their sight on, were eliminated and crossed out.

After some time, they finally had formed a list with about ten women who seemed to be great in personality, but also looked quite a bit like a female version of Harry. Louis suggested inviting the small number of women to the castle for an interview of some sort, and Harry instantly agreed. People could be very different over the internet than they were in real life.

So, the day after, ten women were sitting in a small waiting room area they had formed for the special occasion, just outside the office. They were called in order of alphabetetized last name so there wouldn't be any competition between the contestants about who got to go in first, and because that was the easiest and most fair way to let everyone get their shot.

Harry insisted to make the office as homey as possible, hoping that the women would feel more at ease and could be more themselves that way, and Louis had just smiled fondly before agreeing.

As result, Harry spend the whole day before the interviews making sure that the interior that made the place look more intimidating than it should be was removed and replaced those items with objects that were easier to be found in his old house instead of a castle. All the surrogates were commoners, just like Harry was before the soulmate test, so he tried to capture the vibe that his house had, hoping that it would mirror the women's homes too.

When the clock finally strikes the time that the meeting ought to be held, Louis and Harry squeeze each other's hands as they're seated in the office. In there, they were nervously waiting at their desk until it was time to call the first lady in. As soon as the time has finally arrived, they both draw out a deep breath, glancing shortly at each other before walking outside.

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