Chapter seven

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Harry's feet are leading him toward the office of the King. And yes, you read this correctly, Harry has to go see the King.

It has been a quite common occurrence lately actually, and it probably will be for some more time. After the interview, the King insisted that he would be the one to give Harry media training and lessons about other things that Kings have to learn about. He said something along the lines of, "He's my son-in-law."

This makes Harry feel quite guilty. He and Louis are anything but close and it feels wrong for the King to call him his son when he isn't even close to dating and marrying his real son yet. Also, the word 'King' keeps feeling weird to Harry. He still can't grasp the fact that one day that will be his future job. From being a silly waiter, he's going to be a King...

Harry did actually like the lessons. Mark was a really kind man and he got along with him very well. Harry just can't understand why Louis turned out the way that he did when his whole family is so nice.

Speaking of Louis, he hasn't seen him ever since the interview. Not that he minds that, he really likes the peace and quiet and not arguing for once, but he can't help but wonder why.

They have come to an agreement after all. They're going to be acting like boyfriends or at least friends for now. So why hasn't Louis reached out to him yet? Harry hasn't had the chance to speak to the prince yet and act all lovey-dovey himself yet because he's quite busy, but why didn't Louis take initiative? It puzzles him.

He forces himself to make an end to all these not helpful thoughts and knocks on the door of the workplace of Louis' father. There are more important things to think about for now, like being a good future king for his country. His relationship with Louis was already thrown to the sharks anyway, so his priority was the citizens he will one day rule over. It was still a big if though if that would be the case. Harry would have to marry Louis in order to become a ruler after all. He doesn't know if he wants to take that sacrifice.

Once again getting lost in thought, his eyes snap wide open when the door of the office is opened. Mark is wearing a frown that shows worry. "I said you could come in, but you didn't do so... Are you alright, Harry?"

Harry is taken back by the confrontation but quickly places a smile on his face to be able to lie. "Everything is totally fine, Mark. I was just out of it for a moment, nothing more."

Mark luckily seems to buy his act and nods his head. "Okay, well, come in!"

Harry does so, and what follows is a quite nice lesson. This time, instead of talking about history or economics, they talk about their values and what they would like to do with the country. It's mainly fantasies because obviously a lot of things can't be changed fast or at all, but it's nice. Harry gets to know his soon-to-be father-in-law well because of the conversation and he's enjoying Mark's company immensely.

Their conversation is sadly brought to an end by a knock on the door. The small frown on the King's face tells Harry that he didn't expect this interruption and it makes Harry even more curious about who's standing behind the door.

His plea to get to know this is answered, even though he never worded his wish and Mark tells the person to come in after shooting a small glance at Harry. A smile forms on his face when his other son joins the office a few seconds later, smiling brightly at them both.

The King doesn't see that the smirk is sarcastic, but Harry knows that all too well. He bites his lip as Louis moves closer and lays a hand on his shoulder, making the green-eyed boy look up at the Prince in surprise.

"Can I borrow Harry for a little while, dad?" Louis ends up asking, smiling politely and feigning being happy. "You have kept him to yourself all this time and I want to see him for a little while as well."

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