Chapter four

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After Harry's all nice and dressed, he lets out a sigh and sits down on his bed. The duvet cover is extremely soft, being made of some sort of silk fabric, and feeling it on his skin gives him the same effect as just having shaved his legs, something Harry really loves.

He finally takes some time to observe the room around him. He turns his head around to admire every single detail, from the chandelier dangling on the ceiling to the four-poster bed he's currently sitting on which looks like a work of art on itself. It has beautiful golden details and a certain glow that makes Harry think it's ancient but in a good way.

Even though the room is absolutely marvelous, he feels kinda bored after looking around for a few minutes. He thinks about reading one of his books, something he usually does when doesn't know what to do, but now he doesn't think he'll be able to bear it.

All this time, these books made him believe in true love. Every story he owned, showed it from a different perspective, but love was real and all around the world, surrounding all people like a soft cloud and making them feel warm and safe. But now, he can't help but doubt the thoughts he used to have...

He and Louis are soulmates for fucks sake and they hate each other! How can love really exist if they don't even love each other? Two individuals who are made for each other, built to love the other, made to one day find each other and spend a wonderful life together... Well, that didn't work out the way it was supposed to.

So, instead of diving into his duffel bag and scrutinizing for his books, he stands up, grabs his keys, and heads out of the room. He locks the door behind him before turning around and looking from the left to the right. Harry has no idea where he wants to go, but he wants to go somewhere. He wants to shut down his thoughts and therefore he decides to explore the place that will be his home for the remaining part of his life.

His vans move along the marble floor and Harry feels weird walking on his worn-out shoes when everything around him is so new and pretty... He loves his vans, however, so he ignores the thought that just popped into his head and continues making his way through the labyrinth of hallways.

Every time he turns a corner, he discovers a new part of the castle that seems to be even more beautiful than the part he saw before that, and because of this, he keeps getting surprised by the delicacy of the place.

The next time he turns to the right, however, his eyes widen when he can see a huge room through two big oak doors. He has never seen anything like it before and is totally entranced. He was mesmerized by every single part of the castle, of course, but this... It's something Harry wouldn't even dare dream about.

He moves his feet forward, his eyes moving in all kinds of directions because they don't know what to settle on. There is so much to see and everything is so amazing, that Harry just has to turn in circles a few times to see as much as possible.

The library has a very high ceiling, probably because of all the high bookshelves it has to give space to. Stacks and stacks of books are reaching meters high and Harry has to move his neck upward to see the highest literary works.

The library reminds him a little bit of the Ikea with a stockroom with furniture, but here there are only books. The whole room could probably supply everybody in the country with a book, that is how many there are and Harry is entranced.

He walks to the closest bookshelf in his area and starts slowly walking past all the books. His eyes skim over the titles and he notices that he doesn't recognize a single one of them, probably because the selection here is so big.

It's a paradise to Harry.

His eyes keep glued to the spine of the books, admiring every color, every shape, and every detail. He's so caught up in the books, that he doesn't see the concrete in front of him and falls right into it, a book cart on wheels. Because it's on wheels and Harry walked against it, he sent it rolling, but himself with it.

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