Chapter seventeen

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The couple stays in their love-sick haze after their first time together. They're never apart, cling to each other constantly, babble sweet nothings in the other person's ear, and hold hands everywhere they go.

In other words, they're over the moon and wish for nothing to change. Harry extremely happy, partly because Louis let his mother and sister stay permanently, but primarily because of his soulmate who he is head-over-heels in love with. They live in bliss. Things have to change, however.

Harry and Louis are the kings of the country after all. They carry a huge responsibility to make sure that every citizen in the country is content and happy to dwell in England, and also they ought to make sure that their relationships with the other countries stay intact.

These last two things have been going quite well, and it's barely a problem, but apart from the political tasks, they also have to take care of things that are connected to their private life. They need an heir.

Slowly after the first time they made love together, the topic started to come up in conversations they were having. Once because they were joking about Harry getting pregnant by Louis, another time because Harry told Louis how amazing he is with his sisters and therefore also must be with other kids, and also because their families mentioned it.

Every time it's brought up, Harry notices that Louis seems nervous. His husband starts fiddling with his fingers or starts biting his nails... This is the main reason why Harry doesn't mind the wait for a little bit because he can sense that Louis is not ready yet, but now the country is getting impatient and ready for some other big news after the wedding. There's no opportunity to postpone the event that must happen anymore.

Harry has always been supportive of the idea of Louis having a biological baby. The times that they did talk about babies, Harry made clear that he will love Louis' baby like his own son and that it ought to happen anyways. They can't produce children just the two of them anyway, so one of them could only be a father or they would have to adopt - even without having to think about their citizens.

Louis seems to relax every time Harry encourages him of the fact that he's chill with it, but a part of the tension that always fills the King's body when babies are discussed never ceases.

Now, however, newspapers started to speculate about a new heir and everyone is expecting a Royal Baby that Louis and Harry must give.

It's on a Monday morning, the first work day of the week - even though they basically work 24/7 - when one of the members of the council mentions this fact. Harry and Louis are the ones with the real power. They do need support though, and because of this, a council has been set up to help with their decision-making.

It was one of the females who brought the situation to everyone's attention. When she started talking, Louis immediately straightened his back and was all ears, clearly desperate not to miss a single word.

"Everyone is talking about it." The woman confesses as her eyes wander around the room. "Someone saw a female enter the castle who was not a staff member - at least that is what they figured - and not a member of the royal family, so they assumed that it was the surrogate and that the mission to give birth to a new heir has started.

"Everyone is extremely eager to see a new Royal Baby being born and they can't wait, so I would suggest that the two of you maybe discuss this. There is no major rush, and we can of course make a statement that it was a new staff member entering the castle - which is true - but I do think we should give what the public wants, but only if you're okay with that." She finishes her story.

Louis glances quickly at Harry, who simply nods in return. Louis answers for the two of them. "We have discussed it a few times actually and Harry is on board with me being the biological father which is amazing. I wouldn't have done it if he weren't okay with it." Louis gives a small smile to his soulmate which the latter gladly returns.

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