Chapter 2

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I do not own Vampire Diaries

Her eyes fluttered slightly before peeling open, a groan slipped past her lips as she clenched her eyes shut against the bright light sending shooting pains through her head. She squeezed her eyes shut for a few long minutes before opening them slightly in apprehension. Blinking slightly at her blurred version, she shook her head in an effort to clear the fog from her mind before rubbing her eyes. 

She opened them again and her vision became clearer as she gradually became accustomed to the light. She looked around her in utter confusion as she painstakingly lifted herself up. It...Well honestly it looked like limbo, like in Harry Potter, Why was she here? How was she here? She only remembered that...

Oh my God, she thought as her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. her hands frantically searching for the non-existent stab wound in her abdomen, but there was no trace of any injury, no pain nor any blood staining her clothes. It was as if it had never happened. She knew it did though, the memory of the pain that she had felt was too real to deny. 

Her eyes widened as she realised that her baby was all alone with him and she was... oh my god.

She couldn't believe it. She was...She was actually dead.

There was no other explanation. She was dead. He had killed her. She was actually, honest to God, dead. And now her baby was left all alone in the hands of that monster.

In a state of surreal disbelief, Anastasia shook her head, unable to comprehend the gravity of her current situation. The shock of her own death paled in comparison to her overwhelming concern for her little baby, Lilliana. The thought of leaving her all alone with the abusive monster she used to call her boyfriend tore at her heart.

Throughout the years, she had selflessly placed herself between Lilliana and her abuser, taking the brunt of his rage to shield her daughter from harm. The scars she bore, both physical and emotional, were a testament to her unwavering love and sacrifice. But today was different - his drunken stupor had unleashed an uncontrollable fury, and he had lost all restraint.

Her mind raced with fear and guilt, knowing she couldn't protect Lilliana from beyond the grave. The monster was now with her baby, and for the first time in four years, Anastasia was unable to shield her. Tears welled in her eyes, her heart pounding frantically as she imagined her child's terror.

An overwhelming sense of powerlessness consumed her as she faced the harsh reality of her death. All she wanted was to say goodbye to her precious daughter, to reassure her that everything would be alright, but fate had cruelly denied her that chance. In her current ethereal state, she felt a sense of helplessness that tore at her very soul. All she could do right now was hope that her little baby would be ok, that someone would save her and that she could live her life and be free like she hadn't been for most of hers.

Her life had been a series of unfortunate events, trapped first under the control of her overbearing father and then ensnared in the clutches of a controlling and abusive boyfriend. The dreams of a carefree life had been shattered, and she now found herself in a place of darkness and despair, unable to protect the one person who mattered the most.

Her thoughts spiraled into despair as she imagined the horrors that could befall Lilliana behind that locked door. Whether her abuser chose to open it or not, she knew her daughter's safety was in grave danger. The mere thought brought forth gut-wrenching sobs, echoing her cries of agony for the unfairness of the situation.

James Axel Whitlock, the handsome sophomore she had once naively admired, now embodied all her regrets. Her heart ached with remorse for not seeing past his charm to the sinister reality beneath. Now, her daughter would pay the price for her poor judgment, and Anastasia was left grappling with the unbearable weight of guilt.

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