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"THAT'S why your head is big." jahseh said from the other end of the phone. he was laying in his bed, the phone propped on his chest.

"shut up xxxtentacles." vea joked. she was outside in her back yard, letting her cat get some outside time.

"where you learn that from?" he laughed and vea laughed too.

"tyla was showing me some videos."

he rolled his eyes. "of course she did. do you really wanna be friends with one of my fans? you know they weird as shit right?"

"that's cos you're weird as shit jahseh." she said with a laugh.

he smiled lightly. "first time you called me jahseh."

vea furrowed her eyebrows. in the past two months since she'd met him, she only called him x. "is it weird?"

he shook his head. "preferred, actually."

amalia, vea's cat, walked up to her and rubbed herself against her legs. "is it time to go in sweet girl?" she asked and picked her up.

"you said we gotta go now? aight, hold on," jahseh said before pulling the phone up to his face again. "i gotta go to the studio, mamas."

she nodded. "okay jah, make some bangers."

he smiled at her. "just for you. what are you gonna do while i'm gone?"

"probably sleep," she shrugged. "amalia wants a nap."

"sleep beautiful, beautiful." he smiled and made kissing noises at the phone.

"thanks jah," she smiled, her cheeks getting hot. "talk to you later." she ended the call.

it had been two months since vea had came home from miami. every day since she'd gotten back, she and jahseh would text or be on facetime. of course, when he had the time for it and he normally didn't have a lot of free time but he seemed to make enough for a decent length conversation.

as for vea and stokeley, they were still closer than ever. they had actually been in talks of her moving permanently to florida. it was only conversations and nothing was final. vea for sure knew that her mom would have another baby if she decided to up and move to florida. when she told stokeley that, he laughed and told her that she was grown and should be able to do whatever it is that she wants to.

that's definitely not how her mom saw it.

LATER that day, vea and kyla went to the cafe they always went to. kyla had called vea, saying meet at the spot. stokeley and kyla had also been getting very close, him calling her baby and all of that. she was happy for her best friend.

"i'm thinking about getting a tattoo." vea said. they were sitting in the cafe, vea drinking her usual drink and kyla typing away on her phone.

"a tattoo? where?" kyla asked.

"my hand," vea said. "me and stokeley were talking about it last week. i wanna get some butterflies going up my hand to my wrist. i think it'd be cute."

"extremely. but your mom,"

vea sighed. "i know, but think about it, i'm 18 now, you know?"

"so with that in mind, what are we waiting for?" vea's eyes widened. "let's go do it now. i want one too, and tyla can get the one she's always wanted!"

so it was settled. the girls went to find the nearest tattoo parlor and 5 hours later, they all had tattoos. vea's took the longest because it had the most detail, but it was nice.

"we just got fucking tattoos." kyla giggled, panning the camera to all of them. vea showed off her tattoo, holding her hand up and turning it. tyla got a neck tattoo and kyla's was on her chest.

kyla posted it and vea's phone rang, jahseh's contact flashing across the screen. she answered it quickly, turning on the ceiling light in the car.

"jahsehhh," she smiled.

"veaaa," he said with equal enthusiasm. "what you up to?"

"i just got a tattoo." she said. he raised his eyebrows and she raised her hand, showing off the ink.

"that's fire mamas, i love it. one of many?" he asked and she nodded. she would definitely be getting more.

"i lowkey want a face tattoo." she said.

"me too," tyla said and kyla laughed.
"y'all can have that. they're cute but not for me,"

"get some more in some other places then we'll talk about a face tat," jahseh said. "how much that cost you?" he asked.

"it was like $150." vea shrugged, she noticed that he was driving.

"that's not bad," he nodded. "i just wanted to call and check on you beautiful, i'll hit you tomorrow."

vea nodded, understanding that he was probably tired from the studio. "okay jahseh. drive safely and sleep well."

"you too mamas." he smiled at the phone before ending the call.

"well let's get home." kyla said.

edited 813 words.

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